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Auckland Women's Centre
Provide a friendly meeting place for all women and offer a range of courses and services provided by women in a women-only environment.
Housing For Women
The objectives of the Trust are to: reduce the risks women face, support women in obtaining alternatives to the present facilities available to them, and to enable them to change the circumstances which disempower them.
Ministry of Women's Affairs
The Ministry provides the New Zealand Government with quality advice to help improve women's lives. The Ministry recognises the importance of keeping women informed about its work and key policy issues. This site provides information about who they are, the work they do and the resources they have available.
A web way to feminism in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Young Women of Aotearoa
The YWCA of Aotearoa/New Zealand is one of the few broad women's organisations in New Zealand and it provides a unique policy input from a Christian feminist perspective. It addresses a wide variety of issues concerning women, especially young women and advocates from a practical base of programmes and activities in the community.