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Bed and Breakfast
Five Rivers Retreat Bed and Breakfast, Kereru Cottage, Papatowai and Muhua Lodge, Tawanui, New Zealand Homestays and Farmstays: Southland, Western Southland Farm Hosting
Hollyburn Lodge, Tuatapere
Private accommodation on a 1,000 acre deer park mid-way between Invercargill and Te Anau.
Josephville Farmstay
Located near Lumsden. Offers a choice of single, twin and double bedrooms, farm tours, and golf.
The Hub
A refurbished old style hotel with modern facilities and backpacker type accommodation at Riversdale.
Upper Mataura Anglers Lodge
Provides accommodation, meals, flyfishing guiding service and access to some of the world's finest trout fishing rivers and lakes.
Western Southland Farm Hosting Group
Site describes the various tourist attractions and facilities in Southland as well as offering accommodation on working farms.
Woodstock Lodge, Catlins
Offers a range of accommodation from tent sites to self-contained units as well as fishing for trout in the river that runs through the property.