english deutsch
Information on the staging of the play Agamemno in Port Moresby in April and May of 2004.
Kaikuali Theatre Dance Group
Traditional Melanesian Pacific Island cance and theatre performances from Alotau.
Moresby Arts Theatre
A non-profit NGO committed to developing the Arts in Papua New Guinea. Offers theatre, cinema, music, dance, and pottery workshops.
Music Archive for Papua New Guinea
Articles, music samples, and a guide to making your own kundu drum.
Papua New Guinea Handcraft Exports
Suppliers of Papua New Guinea handcrafts and artifacts anywhere in the world. Kundu drums, Sepik story boards, bilums, and shell money.
PNG Handcraft Exports
Port Moresby-based suppliers of PNG artifacts and handcrafts. Includes introductory information and descriptions.
PNG Markets
PNG-based online sales of artefacts, baskets, jewellery, coffee and tea, and orchids.
PNG Poetry Online
Call for submissions and previous edition available.
Skyline Drive In Port Moresby
Photographs, advertisements and description of the now defunct Skyline Drive-In Theatre.
Skyline Drive-in Port Moresby (PNG)
Photographs and description of the now defunct drive-in.
Trobriand Islands Tribal Art
The unique tribal art of the Trobriand Islands demonstrates a range of outside influences that combine to produce some of the most detailed and interesting art of Oceania.