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Chats and Forums
Papua New Guinea Discussion Forums, Papua New Guinea Message Board, Ples Kivung Free Speech, Wantok Forum
A Chronology of Railways and Tramways in Papua New, Australian School of Pacific Administration, Documents and Correspondence on New Guinea's , Documents and Readings in New Guinea History, End of the Line: A History of Railways in Papua Ne, Papua New Guinea Postcards 1, Report on Historical Sources on Australia and Japa, Search for New Guinea's Boundaries, The Discovery of New Guinea, The Fortress on Mount Obree
Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act 2000, pngInLaw
ADRA Papua New Guinea, Amnesty International 1999 Annual Report, Australia-Papua New Guinea Friendship Association, Australian Papuan Community, Callan Services, Cheshire Home of Papua New Guinea, Friends of the Disabled Association, Papua New Guinea Association of Australia, Rotary Club of Papua New Guinea, RSPCA
Personal Pages
A village, an anthropologist, two goats and a meal, Aufa's Chiefs Platform, Bill's Eye view of PNG, Bomana Nights, Cilla's Haus, Gadoeno Michie from Korobosea, Port Moresby, Papua, Geraldine Michie's Home Page, Keith Buxton, Luke' New Website, Mai PNG
Baha'i Guriguri, Bible Society of Papua New Guinea, Catholic Church of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Is, Christian Books Melanesia, Christian Leaders' Training College - Port Mo, Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship, Congregation of the Sisters of the Visitation of O, Diocese of Port Moresby, Anglican Church of Papua , Divine Word University, Evangelical Brotherhood Church, Papua New Guinea
Australia/PNG Friendship Association
A voluntary organisation promoting friendship, trust and understanding between Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Eric's PNG Site
An informational site about the country, its culture and people.
Evaluating Information: A Stone Age Perspective on
An essay by A. D. Madden, focusing on the Kope People.
Ex Kiap
A contact site for the Kiap (past patrol officers) of Papua New Guinea.
Exposing Corruption In PNG's Forestry Sector
Documenting examples of corruption in the forestry sector that permeates many government agencies and departments in Papua New Guinea.
Geographer on the Kiwai Coast
A collection of around 100 photographs of village life.
Huli Sociolinguistic Change
Detailed description of Huli culture in Southern Highlands, including photos and vocabulary.
Information, Communication and Disability
An article by D. Bruce Yeats presented at the 1997 Waigani Seminar.
Jane's Papua New Guinea
A pictorial insight with comments on Papua New Guinea traditional culture, art and history. Contains a series of excellent photographs.
Keynote Address - Value of Traditional Knowledge i
Transcript of a speech by John Waiko at the 1997 Waigani Seminar.
Includes introduction to PNG, Visa information, tok pisin, galleries and links.
Oksapmin Society and World View
PhD thesis on culture in Oksapmin, West Sepik Province: an aesthetic oneness of opposites.
Paliau Movement
A 1998 article by Kakak Kais on the Paliau Movement (cargo cult) of Madang Province.
Pig Husbandry in New Guinea: A Literature Review a
Full text of a 2003 book by Robin Hide.
PNG Gossip
A newsletter based on snippets of info from Papua New Guinea.
Tapr: The Drum (Garamut) Signals of the Maramba So
An article by Paul Yamngarpise Norman on the significance of drum signals in Maramba society, presented at the 1997 Waigani Seminar.
The Blue Logic: Something from the Darker side of
A novel by Wiri Yakaipoko.
Whiteman and Mungas Barter System
A poem from the book Tsomi by Matubuna Tahun.