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Argentina and the IMF
Articles on Argentine crisis and debt restructuring.
Argentina's economic meltdown
Causes, possibilities, and systemic implications, a research page by Strategic Forecasting LLC..
Argentine Crisis
Argentine Economic Crisis: resource page with news, articles, projects, discussions and related links.
Cato Institute
Studies, opinion and commentary on Argentine civil and economic crisis. Links to related resources.
Consejo Federal de Inversiones
Fosters the harmonious and integral development of the Argentina Provinces, the conformation of social and political networks and investment systems and offers regional and provincial information, finances, trains and promotes enterprises.
Country paper
The Argentine economy in the past decade and challenges today, document of the Inter American development Bank, in pdf format.
FT news and analysis
Special report: Argentina's economic crisis, editorial comments and related articles.
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Argentine majors economic indicators and current situation. Hong Kong's Trade with Argentina.
International Monetary Fund
Should countries like Argentina be able to declare themselves bankrupt?, a commentary by Anne Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director.
No more for Argentina
A personal view on Argentina crisis by Morris Goldstein, Dennis Weatherstone Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics.
The Argentine experience: development or a success
By Fernando Fajnzylber Hugo Nochteff, researcher at CONICET and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO).
The Failure of Structural Adjustment in Argentina
The impact of, and alternatives to, World Bank and IMF economic policies in the hemisphere. Presentation by Jorge Carpio, Coordinator of SAPRIN Argentina.
The Study on Economic Development of the Argentine
Contains practical and business-oriented recommendations for Argentina to strengthen its economy and thus expand export to and promote direct investment from East Asia, generated by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Argentina Country report as a significant Latin American energy producer and consumer.
U.S. Response to Argentina's Economy
The U.S. approach to Argentina's economic problems. Opinions and related articles.