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Business and Economy
Photos from Galapagos, The Galapagos Islands Digital Photo Library
Science and Environment
Charles Darwin Research Station, Fernandina Volcano, Galapagos Islands, Galapagos 2003 Photos, Galapagos Conservation Trust, Galapagos Giant Tortoise, Galapagos Islands Natural History, Galapagos Oil Spill, Galapagos.org, Marine Conservation And Human Conflicts In The Gal, NMNH Galapagos Expedition
Travel and Tourism
Travel Guides, Travel Services, Galapagos Islands, Red Mangrove Inn
Galapagos 2000
Portal offers photographs, message boards, news, ecological and historical information, and links.
Information about each island that makes up the Achipelago as well as history on how they were discovered and their development.
The Enchanted Islands
Brief description and pictures of the Galapagos.