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Citrus Research International
Research on citrus cosmetic pests, citrus thrips, mites, leidopteran and homopteran pests causing cosmetic damage.
Grass Seed Insects
Identification of insect pests in grass seed production in the US Northwest. Contains pictures of pests and plant damage, and information on distribution, life history, and control.
Insect Pest Management for Small Grains
Information on techniques that can help growers prevent and detect some potentially serious insect problems before significant loss occurs.
Insects Limited
Information on techniques to combat against pests in the seed and popcorn industries.
Rutgers Crop Info
Crop specific pest and disease management information, for asparagus, eggplant, spinach, squash, and sweet corn.
UCR Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Resources
Describes Pierce's disease, a threat to California vineyards, and the leaf-hopper that carries it, with maps of distribution and measures taken to combat it.
WSU Tree Fruit & Grape Guidelines
Washington State University; guidelines for crop protection for fruit, including recommendations.