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An Alternative View of the Universe Idea
How do we know that there really is such a thing as the universe? Here is an analysis of the universe idea that leads to a startling conclusion.
Big Tube Theory (TOE)
Mass is created by a very special non-euclidean manifold.
Center of the Universe Publishing
Offers the book "21st Century's all New Cosmology" for sale, and a sample chapter for free download.
Cosmic Commode
A proposed resolution of general relativity theory and an alternative to the Big Bang theory of cosmological creation.
Cosmic Perspective
Book which claims to eliminate the Big Bang as a viable theory of creation.
Cosmic Queries
To persons perplexed by the cosmos. Is the space picture a hostage of the sunlight?
Cosmic Repulsion
Online text of a book postulating the existence of a repulsive force, to explain the observed expansion of the universe without exotic dark matter. Aimed at a popular audience.
Cosmology and Superstrings
Momentons and 10 dimensional spacetime.
Cosmology Without Big Bang
The right Hubble Law is derived to obtain a cosmology with expansion but without Big Bang. In German and English.
Cosmos 2000
Recent discovery of the nature of atomic particles reveals a meaning of the Universe.
Cube Theory
This site etempts to explain the structure of the universe.
David Calder Hardy
A new theory of the origin of the solar system.
Discovery of the Anti-Universe
A new cosmological model called the Chaos Cosmos model.
Electric cosmos
Proposes a cosmology based primarily on electrical phenomena.
Exploding the Big Bang Theory
Was the Big Bang the Beginning of the Universe? Article examining this controversial situation. Readers can add their response.
Fractal Cosmology
Denies the Big Bang theory and claims that the universe is of infinitely replicated fractal structure.
Hyperspheres, Hyperspace, and the Fourth Spatial D
Series of essays introducing a fourth spatial dimension into the standard big bang model of the universe.
Impossible Correspondence
24 yr study in science / religion / metaphysics. 39,510 books read in 1000's of subjects.
Living Universe
A personal vision of the origin of the universe.
Metrology, Minkowsky and Time
Space generates time forming the spacetime named Chronochor.
Multifractal univese - from cosmology to biology
Multimedia presentation of multifractal universe which links cosmology to biology.
New Picture of the Universe
A universe made of one self-reproducing multiscale interaction.
Personal Cosmology
A philosophical study of the Cosmos. Believing that the Cosmos has a very simple basis.
Professor Fran De Aquino's Website
Selected papers on Gravitation and Cosmology
Scale Relativity
Fractal relativity. Spacetime is non-differentiable.
Science, Metaphysics, and Reductionism
Purely from logical and scientific arguments, it can be concluded that there must have been a primary principle prior to the Big Bang
Simple World Explanation
Best solutions for hierarchical system of matter in cosm, world formula, wave mechanics bound with relativity, chat about it, downloads of articles and cohesions
The Cause of the Cosmological Red Shift
The red shift is caused by gravitational interaction with masses passed in space, thus there is no expansion of galaxies.
The Collapse of the Universe and the Reversal of T
Considers various possible futures for the Universe, and whether Time will reverse direction.
The Collapsing Universe
Observed phenomena explained in terms of a nonhomogeneous closed universe, with a central singularity, undergoing gravitational collapse.
The Living Cosmos
Argues that biological universe is stabilized by life and that planets, galaxies, and other objects are similar at the phenomenological level.
The New Concept of Cosmology
Based on unity of reason and unity in the nature of physical processes.
The Reason of the Universe
The key to the explanation of the universe's origins is the so called physics of the antigravity
The temporalist model versus the Hot Big Bang
The temporalist model is opposed to the Hot Big Bang, to the recession of the galaxies.It proposes a new interpretation of the redshifts and of the constant H of Hubble with a theoretical value of 67,71 Km/sec/Mpc established in 1962
Theories of the Universe
Poses some new theories and possibilities about the development and current structure of the universe.
Theory of Reciprocity
A Newtonian approach to understanding the phenomenon of existence and the nature of the cosmos.
Toward Quantum Cosmology
A simple model of universe.
WingMakers, The Ancient Arrow Project
Introduces a new cosmology and a future vision of our universe and our purpose therein.