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Are Big Cats At Large?
Includes a discussion, big cat photography game, news, and articles.
Beast Watch
Designed to be a direct point of contact for the public to learn more about the alleged exotic felines of the UK. Includes pictures, research, quizzes, and conclusions.
Big Cat Monitors
Dedicated to proving the existence of wild big cats in the United Kingdom. Includes links, sightings, evidence, and information.
Big Cats in the UK
News, information, and sightings of the big cats that are said to roam the UK.
Big Cats In Yorkshire.
Sigtings in the Northern English county of Yorkshire.
British Big Cats
Insight into the mystery of the British Big Cats.
Scottish Big Cats
Contains information and pictures about Big Cats in the UK.
Scottish Big Cats
Includes sightings, news, reports, articles, and video footage in Scotland.
The Beast of Gloucester
Sightings of the Beast of Gloucester.
The Natural History Museum -- The Beast of Bodmin
Details the investigations which followed the discovery of a skull with large fangs, in the River Fowey.
The Surrey Puma
Contains details of an encounter with the Surrey puma in the 1960's.