english deutsch
Afrocentrist Models
Afrocentricity as a Quest for Cultural Unity: Read, Martin Bernal's "Black Athena" by M, NPR Talk of the Nation - Afrocentrism, The Nubians and Olmecs
Ancient Cultures
History of Ancient Cultures and Civilizations, events that shaped history, ancient sites. Alternate viewpoints on History.
Decipherment of the Olmec Writing System
Paper presented at the 1997 Central States Anthropological Society Meeting, treating Olmec as a West African language.
Historical Revisionism Is Rampant In Our Culture
Several editorial essays from the Montgomery County News concerning the revision of history to fit in with what todays' society "wants to hear".
Maya, Aztec, Inca Lords of the Earth
Variety of explanations claiming that Native Americans had a "universal language" and had contact with China, Egypt, and other world cultures.
Plain Talk on the Genetic Issue
Essay by a white hobbyist arguing that the Narragansett and other American Indians are the descendants of recent Viking settlers.
Prince Madoc and the Mandans
Site by an amateur historian tells the legend of Welsh prince Madoc colonizing the New World, and suggests that the reason the Mandan Indians were intelligent enough to build mounds is because they were descended from white people.
Revision of History in Postwar Japanese Textbooks
This study is a content analysis of history textbooks used in Japanese high schools in the postwar era.