english deutsch
Ultracryogenic gravitational wave detector experiment at Legnaro National Laboratories, Italy.
Australian Consortium for Interferometric Gravitat
ACIGA is intended to undertake research and development aimed at improving the performance of present laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors through advanced designs to ultimate limits set by mechanics, quantum mechanics, lasers and optics; and to transfer this into practical designs that can be used in production of commercial products.
Australian International Gravitational Research Ce
Gravity wave group at University of Western Australia.
Center for Gravitational Wave Physics
One of 2 General Relativity Centers at Penn State University. This center is active with the LIGO Project.
Chilling Mirrors with Light
Applied to gravitational wave detectors.
GEO 600
A UK-German project aiming at the direct detection of gravitational waves by means of a laser interferometer of 600 m armlength.
Gravity Wave Analysis From LIGO Prototype
Physics News Update.
ICRR Group
Gravitational wave group in Japan.
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observator
U.S. facility dedicated to the detection of cosmic gravitational waves and the harnessing of these waves for scientific research.
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observator
Livingston Observatory.
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observator
Hanford Observatory.
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)
An ESA space mission to detect and observe gravitational waves from massive black holes and galactic binary stars in the frequency range 10-4 to 10-1 hz. Useful measurements in this frequency range cannot be made on the ground because of the unshieldable background of local gravitational noise.
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna -- LISA
Universität Hannover site. Includes information about the project as well as the text of reports based on it.
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna -- LISA
NASA site. Project that will attempt to detect gravitational waves. General and technical information.
Listen to the Universe
Simulated sounds of gravitational waves created by spiraling binary systems.
Ripples in Curvature
Transparencies of a talk by Patrick Brady, included are sound files of compact coalescing binaries.
Rome Group
Rome Gravitational Wave Experiment.
A five-year (1995-2000) project involving almost all gravity physics researchers in Japan. It adopts a Fabry-Perot Michelson Interferometer (FPMI) with recycling. The aim of this project is to develop advanced techniques needed for a future km-sized interferometer and catch gravitational waves that may occur by chance within our local group of galaxies.
The Virgo Project
Collaboration between Italian and French research teams for the realization of an interferometric gravitational wave detector.
Tsubono Group
300-m arm-length Fabry-Perot laser interferometer.
Washington University Gravity Group
WUGRAV, contains large collection of gravity links.
Computer simulated movies of colliding neutron stars, gravitational waves propagation; click on top image for newest movies.