english deutsch
Anglo-Australian Observatory
Information on the equipment and center, general and professional astronomy, and observing, including images and icons.
Bradford Robotic Telescope
General information, how to use, educational material, news, forum, the team, and links.
Brera Astronomical Observatory
Information and services, research, publications, seminars, highlights, and links.
Canada France Hawaii Telescope Corporation
News, observing information, activities and results, images, and outreach.
Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán
The German-Spanish Astronomical Center at Calar Alto, Spain includes location, visitor information, equipment description, newsletter, and news operated by the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
News, proposal information, schedules, observing information, equipment and instrument information, and recently completed programs.
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
1.8 meter and 1.2 meter instruments with information on public outreach, facilities, and observing.
El Observatorio Astrofísico Guillermo Haro
2.12 meter, 16 inch and 8 inch instrumentation, and includes facility, equipment and camera information.
European Southern Observatory
Observing facilities and operations, projects and developments, activities, and general information.
Gemini Observatory
Public information and outreach, observing information, schedules, instrument information, archives, and library.
Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
General and public information, equipment and instrument information, observing information, news, and resources.
Joint Astronomy Centre
Provides services and support to enable visiting and staff astronomers to undertake top-quality, front-line international-class research using the James Clerk Maxwell facility and the United Kingdom Infrared facility.
Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of S
Facility information, information bulletin on variable stars, publications, activities, databases, and links.
La Silla Observatory
User information, astroclimatology, equipment and instrumentation, observing and operations, and links.
Leiden Observatory
General information, research, events, facility information, education, news, and links.
Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
Research, technology, observing facilities, news, and gallery.
National Astronomical Observatories - Chinese Acad
Information on the meter-wave aperture synthesis radio, multi-channel solar magnetic field, mark-III photoelectric astrolabe, 60/90cm Schmidt, 1.26M infrared, 2.16M optical, 7M solar radio, 85cm reflector, and 60cm reflector telescopes.
Nordic Optical Telescope
General information, equipment and instruments, observer information, resources, and education and outreach.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania
Facility and equipment information, publications, database, and image galleries.
Paranal Observatory
A Very Large Telescope will consist of four 8-meter telescopes which can work independently or in combined mode, and includes information on observing, the site, and the project.
Pico dos Dias Observatory
Equipment, instruments and detectors, schedule, publications, and data bank.
South African Astronomical Observatory
General information, news, research information, observing and facilities information, education, images, calendars, and links.
Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
General information, equipment and instrument description, facilities, observing, schedules, and publications and documents.
The Antarctic Infrared Observatory
Operation of 1.8 meter for wide-field imaging, queue observing, and standardized data processing, and includes overview, facility information, and team.
The UK Schmidt Telescope
Information on the equipment and center, general and professional astronomy, and observing, including images and icons.
United Kingdom Infra-Red Telescope
Equipment, instrumentation and software information, documentation, observation management, archive, publications, seminars, public outreach, image gallery, and links.