english deutsch
Arecibo Observatory
Users guide, calendar, proposals, schedules, newsletter, publications, programs, operations, technical information, and general public information.
Atacama Large Millimeter Array
General information, library, project book, pictures and videos, and news and events.
Australia Telescope Compact Array
Information for public and observers, schedules, databases, site information, and documentation.
Australia Telescope National Facility
General information, news, equipment information, schedules, documentation, archives, resources, and links.
Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association
A consortium consisting of a radio astronomy laboratory, a laboratory for astronomical imaging, and a laboratory for millimeter-wave astronomy.
Big Ear Radio Observatory
No longer in operation, and includes a beginner's guide, facility and equipment information, press releases, and slide shows.
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
General information, recent results, publications, proposals, observer information, and instrumentation.
Ceduna radio Observatory
General information, basic guide, site and facility information, observing guide, and schedule.
Deep Space Network
Features, antennas, services, technology, science, publications, history, education, gallery, and links.
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
Public outreach and education, observing facility and equipment information, and major activities.
Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory
General information, observer information, research, instrumentation, education, and image gallery.
Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimétrique
Facilities, equipment information, events and news, calendar, publications, recent results, and news.
Istituto di Radioastronomia
General information, library, slide archive, archives, journals, observing times, projects, reports, and links.
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
General information, facility description, applying for time, observing information, archive, user documentation, and developments.
Jodrell Bank Observatory
History, equipment information, general astronomy, education, observing facilities, and research.
Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferome
General information, technical data, data archive, user support, and documents and reports
Kölner Observatorium für SubMillimeter Astronomie
Information on the equipment, research projects, observation results, documentation, image gallery, and schedule.
Metsähovi Radio Observatory
General information, projects, publications, image gallery, and related sites.
Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope
Steerable, necessary to obtain extended observing times and greater sensitivity, and include two east-west collinear reflectors each 778 meter by 11.6 meter and each divided into 44 sections of length 17.7 meter.
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics
Facilities and equipment information, images, library, and research opportunities.
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Information for public, teachers and astronomers, news, newsletter, events, image gallery, and library.
Onsala Space Observatory
Tours, facilities and instrument information, library, and seminars.
Owens Valley Radio Observatory
Facilities and instruments information, general information, images, and links.
Radio Astronomy at the University of Indianapolis
Provides educational information.
Submillimeter Array
General information, facility and equipment information, proposals, resources, publications, and links.
The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope
Information for observers including proposals, system information, news, and schedule, and public outreach.
The Mauritius Radio Telescope
Equipment information, Venus transit gallery, equipment images, and publications.
The Mount Pleasant Radio Observatory
Facility and equipment information and projects.
The Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory
General information on facility and equipment, introduction to subject, images, and individual links to individual equipment and instrumentation.
The University of Calgary Radio Astronomy Laborato
Projects, people, facility and equipment information, graduate level course project report, and links.
The Very Long Baseline Array
Tools for operators, analysts, astronomers, recorded technician, and site technician, data quality information, general public information, and images.
The Very Small Array
New results, papers, data, and images.
Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center
General information, history, events, public information, multimedia, news, and calendar.
Very Large Array
Information for astronomers, operators, analysts, and teachers and students, image gallery, FAQ's, current observation highlights, tours, and newsletters.