english deutsch
ASCA Guest Observer Facility
ASCA (formerly named Astro-D) is Japan's fourth cosmic X-ray astronomy mission, and the second for which the United States is providing part of the scientific payload.
Black Holes Galore
Chandra has identified the origin of high-energy X-ray background and found that galactic black holes are far more numerous than visible-light surveys indicate.
Chandra - X-Ray Astronomy Field Guide
Stars, supernovae, black holes, white dwarfs, galaxies.
Chandra Science
Data analysis, instruments and calibration, links, target and scheduling, users, newsletters.
Chandra X-ray Observatory
Orbiting observatory that opens a window for the most detailed X-ray view of the universe ever revealed.
Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
News, education, chronicles, and launch.
European Space Agency's X-ray multi-mirror satellite.
MAXIM - MicroArcsecond X-Ray Imaging Mission
A proposed NASA observatory. Details on the mission and goals.
The USA Experiment
An X-ray timing experiment with large collecting area and microsecond time resolution capable of conducting a broad program of studies of galactic X-ray binaries.
X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM)
Page in Strasbourg.