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Interactive Activities
Interactive Biochemistry, USUHS Medical Biochemistry Exams
Personal and Class Pages
Biochemistry 404, Biochemistry Course, Claude Aflalo, Concepts in Biochemistry, David E. Wemmer - University of California, Berkel, Hackert Research Groups, Medical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Protein Structure and Stability, The Medical Biochemistry Page
Teaching Resources
Textbooks, BioChem Demos, Biochemistry, Biomolecular Images and Movies for Teaching, Dolan DNA Learning Center
Basic Sciences and Molecular Medicine Methodology
Online tutorial describing the basic process of gene cloning, expression, and analysis, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA.
Beginner's Guide to Molecular Biology
Fundamentals of molecular biology.
Beginner's Guide to Molecular Biology
An overview of the Central Dogma of molecular biology. Includes links to other sites, pictures, and Rasmol files.
Biochemical Howlers
Compilation of basic biochemical mistakes that frequently occur in standard textbooks.
Prepared by an AP high school student. Offers basic overview of biochemistry terms, the cell, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
Journal launched to promote educational aspects, with short reviews, preparation for lectures, seminars, student presentations and laboratory experiments from Stanford University.
Biochemistry Resources
Resources for student and teachers of college level biochemistry courses, including demonstrations, learning strategies, classroom graphics, and sample course outlines.
Introduction to Biochemistry
Designed for students at Wellesley college. Offers news headlines, links, molecule diagrams, and a molecule of the day.
Learning Biochemistry with Deepview
Classroom molecular graphics using RasMol and SwissPdbViewer. Plugins and configuration settings are available on the site.
Medical Biochemistry
Detailed presentation of numerous biochemistry topics from Indiana St. Univ.
Medical Biochemistry
Comprehensive topic list in general and medical biochemistry. Includes links to other related teaching pages as well as sites with resources for the research scientist.
Molecular Biology for the 21st Century
Indexes materials that support undergrads and science high school teachers in the NJ, PA, and NY region. A collaboration by Princeton University's department of molecular biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Molecular Biology Notebook
Online courses for the teaching of the subject from Rothamsted, UK.
Molecular Biology Web Book
Chapters include Cells and Viruses, Protein Structure and Function, Nucleic Acids, Genomics and Proteomics, Cell Signaling and Apoptosis, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics with introduction to Genes and Disease. Authors include Alberts and Lodish, based in Slingerlands, NY.
Protein Data Base Educational Resources
Directory of educational sites that are appropriate for many ages, including elementary and post-graduate students.
The Biology Project: Biochemistry
Problem sets, links, and interactive activities.
The Biology Project: Molecular Biology
Problem sets and tutorials on nucleic acid, recombination and expression, with emphasis on genetics of prokaryotes, at the University of Arizona.
Tutorials and Animations
Three-dimensional models of DNA, RNA, and subsets of both. Requires Netscape 4.7 and Chime 2.0 plug-in to view 3D-models. From The School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK.
Tutorials in Molecular Biology
Graphical demonstrations of molecular processes and techniques from UCLA. Requires at least Netscape 3.01 with Shockwave Plug-in.
West, Tim
Resources for undergraduate level molecular biology with links to research on ATPases at Washington University in St. Louis, MO.