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Exploring the Metabolic and Generic Control of Gen, Gene Expression in Tooth, Gene Expression Omnibus, GeneExpress, Mirage, Rice Transcription Factor Database, SAGEmap, Stanford Microarray Database, SymAtlas, WormBase
Products and Services
Reagents and Kits, Agilent Printed Microarray, Agilix, AmberGen, Inc., Ana-Gen Technologies, Inc., AnGes MG, Inc., AptaRes, Atlas Gene Arrays, Biomatik Corp., BioNexus Inc., Celera Diagnostics
Research Groups
Artzt Lab, Beggs Lab., Bowes Rickman Laboratory, Caddick Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Ellington Lab, EnGeM, Institute of Chemistry and Cell Biology, Lopes Lab, Mario Pezzotti
Retrovirus, Retroviruses, Reverse Transcriptase, Reverse transcriptase, Reverse Transcriptase, Reverse Transcriptase Activity Assays
RNA Interference
Allele Biotech, Ambion, Inc., Atugen AG, Benitec, CombiMatrix Corp., Dharmacon, Expresson Biosystems Ltd., Gene silencing by RNAi, GenScript Gene Synthesis and siRNA Services, How RNA Interference Works
AiO, Artemis Software, Chang Bioscience, Delila, DNA Software, DNA-Match, DNAStar, GEML Community, Gene Kinetics, GeneSifter
Wikipedia article on the untranslated regions at the ends of mRNA.
Alternative Splicing
Resource for intervention in the key steps in post-translocation regulatory process, with analysis tools and implications in pathologies. Maintained by Exonhit Therapeutics SA, Paris, France.
Alternative Splicing
Wikipedia article on the process in eukaryotes in which the splicing process of a pre-mRNA can lead to different ripe mRNA molecules and therefore to different proteins.
Anatomy of a Comparative Gene Expression Study
Clear explanation of the process of comparing the gene expression in two cell populations or tissue samples by fluorescent microarray technique.
Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids
Lecture notes on nucleic acid structure, DNA replication and repair, the genetic code and translation, as well as cancer genes.
Control of Gene Expression
A collection of diagrams illustrating the fundamentals of molecular biology.
Wikipedia article on enhancers, short pieces of DNA which bind to trans-acting factors to enhance transcription levels of genes.
Wikipedia article on processes that lead to inheritance that is not reflected in the sequences of the nuclear DNA.
Eukaryotic Gene Expression Problem Set
Multiple choice questions about post-transcriptional modification of RNA, promoters, and nuclear RNA processing.
Wikipedia article on regions in genes that are expressed in mature mRNA and in proteins.
Expressed Sequence Tag
Wikipedia article: EST are short sub-sequences of genes, used in mRNA sequencing and in construction of DNA microarrays.
Gene Expression
Article in Wikipedia.
Gene Expression: Transcription
Resource for transcription events during gene formation including schematic diagrams.
Gene Regulation
Wikipedia article on the mechanisms that regulate gene expression.
Gene Regulatory Network
Wikipedia article on the mathematical modelling of gene expression as a network.
Genetic Code
Wikipedia article on the relationship between the nucleic acid base sequence and the corresponding polypeptide amino acid sequence.
Genome-Wide Expression
Report on a project to analyze the transcriptional regulatory circuitry of the yeast cell. From the Young Lab at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research.
Genomes to Life
The US Department of Energy at Oak Ridge program for research in moleular biology: goals and results.
Wikipedia article on the suppressing of genes by chemical modification, depending on which parent they were received from.
Induction of Repair Genes in Yeast
Mercier G., Denis Y., Marc P., Picard L. and Dutreix M.: Transcriptional induction of repair genes during slowing of replication in irradiated Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mutation Research 487 (dec 2001)157-172: article and supporting background data.
Wikipedia article on sections of genes that are eliminated by splicing in the formation of mature mRNA and therefore not expressed as proteins.
Mammary Genome Anatomy Project
Forum to integrate various aspects of mammary gland biology, including cellular and developmental aspects, and to promote collaborations and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and resources at NIH, Maryland.
Messenger RNA
Wikipedia article on the RNA that carries information from DNA to protein synthesis.
Molecular Genetics Webtext
An online textbook on chromosomes, principles of genetic engineering, basic molecular genetics and experimental methods.
Wikipedia article: Messenger RNA that codes for one polypeptide string only.
Noncoding DNA
Wikipedia article: sections of DNA that do not contain codes for polypeptide sequences.
Wikipedia article: group of genes in primitive organisms that are controlled by one operator and one promoter to be activated together.
7th Conference on protein expression in animal cells, bringing experts from academia and industry together to discuss current technologies. Details of five day event held on the Island of Crete, Greece.
Posttranslational modification
Wikipedia article: chemical modification of polypeptide chains after synthesis.
Wikipedia article: RNA string syntesized in the cell nucleus before modification (splicing, polyadenylation) and export to the cytoplasm.
Prokaryotic Genetics and Gene Expression
Chapter from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) introductory hypertextbook on molecular biology.
Wikipedia article: in genetics a sequence locted upstream of a gene that enables its translation.
Protein biosynthesis
Wikipedia article: summary of the process by which the cell converts the DNA sequence proteins.
Regulation of Gene Expression
Overview of different aspects of gene expression, including transcription, chromatin modification, and analysis of whole genomes, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass, USA.
Explanation of how the information encoded in mRNA is translated into a polypeptide. Includes differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes by John W. Kimball, now retired from Harvard College.
RNA Zone
Extensive catalog of links in genomics and proteomics.
Role of the Ribosome
Illustrated explanation of the ribosomal protein synthesis by Gwen V. Childs, University of Texas, Galveston, TX.
SECIS element
Wikipedia article: Sequence that directs translation of UGA as selenocysteine insteado of using it as a stop codon.
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression
Explanation of Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE), a method for analysis of gene expression patterns.
Shine-Dalgarno sequence
Wikipedia article: signals the initiation of protein synthesis in bacteria.
Signal peptide
Wikipedia article: short peptide sequences that direct the post-translational transport of proteins after synthesis.
Wikipedia article: particle composed of DNA and peptide chains that effects mRNA splicing in the cell nucleus of eucaryotic cells.
Wikipedia article: in genetics, the process of removing introns from mRNA in the cell nucleus before export to the cytoplasm and use as master for protein synthesis.
Wikipedia article: in genetics the process by which a DNA sequence is converted to a corresponding RNA sequence.
Transcription Factor
Proteins that specifically bind to promotor or enhancer regions on DNA and thereby control the transcription of the downstream gene.
Transfer RNA
Wikipedia article: small RNA molecules that transport amino acids to their positions on the ribosome during polypeptide synthesis.
Wikipedia article: in genetics, the process by which ribosomes in the cytoplasm transfer the genetic code from a m-RNA sequence to an amino acid sequence in a polypeptide chain.
What is a Genome
Overview from company offering tools and solutions for proteomics.