english deutsch
Bioinformatics news service.
Bioinformatics in India
Portal for Bioinformatics professionals of indian origin. Contains links to online tutorials, articles and books on bioinformatics.
Bioinformatics Resource Centre
Provides registered users access to a comprehensive range of programs and databases to aid genomic and proteomic research, including training and help desk - from the MRC Human Genome Mapping Project (UK). Registration necessary.
Curated web directory of molecular biology and bioinformatics resources
A unified gateway to store, search, retrieve and update information about bioinformatics software tools, molecular biology, genomics and proteomics databases and resources.
Categorical web directory for bioinformatics theory - from the Univ. of Düsseldorf. Mathematics and Computer-based.
Bioplanet Jobs
Bioinformatics jobs, education resources, bulletin board, CV posting.
Canadian Bioinformatics Resource
Dedicated to providing researchers with convenient, effective access to high-quality bioinformatics tools and databases.
CMS Molecular Biology Resources
A compendium of tools for molecular biology, biotechnology, molecular evolution, biochemistry and biomolecular modeling.
DNA and Protein Analysis Toolkit
Compendium of bioinformatics computing services from The Rockefeller University. Many different ways to analyse biomolecules.
European Bioinformatics Institute
Portal for research and services in bioinformatics, with databases of nucleic acid and protein sequences, and macromolecular structures - from the EMBL, Hinxton UK.
Genome Programs
Links to online genomics resources - including the individual projects.
Molecular Biological Sites
includes sequence search windows, as well as databases and tools related with proteomics and structural bioscience.
A weblog that provides daily updates and links to news items and stories of interest to bioinformatics community.
The Bioinformatics Resource
Organizing biennial "Genes, Proteins and Computers Conference" and regular scientific meetings, and providing an on-line research newsletter and other resources for the Bioinformatics Community - by MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health. Offers many important databases (PubMed, GenBank, OMIM) and some tools.
UBC Bioinformatics Centre Resource Directory
Currated and categorized database of links to the top bioinformatics and molecular biology resources on the web.