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Biocomputing Hypertext Coursebook, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at ISU, Bioinformatics and drug research, Bioinformatics FAQ, Bioinformatics In Latin America, Bioinformatics On-line Courses and Tutorials, Bioinformatics Resources, Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops, Computational Biology at Stony Brook, Index of Computational Molecular Biology and Bioin
Non-profit interest group for students interested and/or working in the bioinformatics/computational biology fields for exchanging information, sharing ideas and knowledge, discussing opportunities
Training division of gvk bio that imparts bioinformatics and cheminformatics courses and related services in India.
Biocomputing for Schools
Offers material for a multimedia project in biology and computer science education, highlighting the possibilities of the new Information Technologies in the field of Biocomputing. The target group are pupils aged 16-19 years and their teachers.
Very good basic explanation of Bioinformatics - from the BioTech Resources Web Project at Indiana Univ and the Univ. of Texas.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Graduate
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology faculty, research, education, and resources at Iowa State University.
Bioinformatics at Hamilton College
A central location for bioinformatics information at Hamilton College, including the Bioinformatics in Biology Education Group. Located in Clinton, NY
Bioinformatics Centre - University of Pune, India
The centre information in the area of Biotechnology with a stress on Virology, proteins & nucleic acid sequences and structures, Microbial strain data. The Centre also offers unique facilities for data analysis. The centre has developed and it gives links to Data banks, Microbial Strain Data Network, APBioNet, Alpha Server, Medline Workbench Pune-Net, Bioinformatics Useful Sites, Biotech Directory of India, runs an Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics and a Protein Data Bank (PDB)Mirror Site
Bioinformatics Information
This web site is maintained by Dr. Seyeon Weon, Korea to provide bioinformatics related information. The site gives information on Bioinformatics Courses, Database Archive, Software Archive, Sources in the Internet and What is Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics Institute
Singapore Bioinformatics conducting informatics research, development, and training, to generate knowledge from large volumes of Biology and Chemistry data
Bioinformatics web
Comprehensive educational resource on Bioinformatics
Biology Guided Inquiry Learning Environment (BGuIL
Inquiry-based learning environment for high school biology, using computers to support student investigations.
Biology Student WorkBench
A computational environment that permits anyone with a web browser to use bioinformatics for research, teaching, or learning; investigations in diverse areas of biology.
Boston University Bioinformatics Graduate Programs
Interdisciplinary PhD and Masters Programs that include an internship in the local industry companies. In conjunction with the NE masters program.
C.elegans Network
Provides comprehensive and easy navigation to C. elegans/mammalian Bioinformatics, aging, oxidative stress (Channel 1); 1-2 new recent abstracts featured/week (Channel 2); Technology highlights (Channel 3).
Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops
Workshops involve hands-on instruction in the use and development of software tools for genomic and computational biology research.
Chickscope 1.5
Students raise chicken embryos in the classroom and obtain magnetic resonance images through the Internet.
Computational Molecular Biology Training Group
Research based interdisciplinary training of graduate students in computational molecular biology with emphasis on bioinformatics, genomics, genome evolution, and macromolecular structure-function studies at Iowa State University.
Geospiza, Inc. Education
Instructional materials for teaching bioinformatics. These include animated tutorials on topics such as BLAST, finding mutations in a protein, and graphing with MS-Excel.
GPCR Website
Report of a project on G protein coupled (seven-transmembrane segment/7TM) receptors done at CMBI.
HealthLink MCW
Offers an article on how the Human Genome Project could revolutionize medicine.
Human Genome Project Education Resources
A resource for introductory information on the Human Genome Project.
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
Master's degree program taught in English. The "Bioinformatics for Health" program is taught jointly by the Pompeu Fabra University (Department of Experimental Sciences and Health, CEXS) and the Barcelona University
Masters in Bioinformatics at Glasgow University
One-year Masters degree in Bioinformatics, consisting biological and computational strands followed by 15-week research project. Located in Scotland
MBB452a: Genomics and Bioinformatics (Yale Univers
Bioinformatics course at Yale University. All course slides are available online.
Medical University of South Carolina
Information regarding analysis and annotation of gene and peptide sequences in parallel to prediction of protein shape and function.
NCBI's Genes and Disease
Information about several medically important genes and related diseases. Illustrates the use of bioinformatics in their study.
New Zealand Bioinformatics Conference
workshops and papers were hosted by Dr James Ostell and Dr Damian Conway. Can find papers and information from this conference which took place in 2003
Northeastern University Bioinformatics Masters Pr
From the Biology department and in cooperation with Boston University. Emphasis on the ability to integrate knowledge from biological, computational, and mathematical disciplines.
Ocimum Biotraining
Offers a 6 month certificate course in Bioinformatics, and corporate training.
Peptide Sequencing Simulation Software
Web based training using computer simulation for peptide sequencing.
UBiC Bioinformatics Tutorials Page
List of tutorials related to bioinformatics software and improving computing skills.
University of Colorado Bioinformatics Homepage
This is a bioinformatics site created by undergrads primarily for undergrads. It has instructions and links for bioinformatic tools and resources.
University of South Florida Bioinformatics and Com
Interdisciplinary program part of the College of Medicine. In cooperation with the math, biomedical engineering, and computer science departments.