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Prediction of locations and exon-intron structures in genomic sequences, incorporating protein homology information when predicting genes from DNA sequence. Webserver at the MIT.
GenScan Server
Identification of gene features such as exons and splice sites in genomic DNA.
Search engine that uses mass spectrometry peptide data to identify proteins from primary sequence databases.
Tools for comparing, exploring and visualizing correlated genes in two microarray experiments in yeast transcriptomes. Includes visualization of induced gene groups based on MIPS catalogues.
Microarray Database Gateway
Tools for managing, accessing, and analyzing cDNA microarray data generated by the NCI Div. of Clinical Sciences µArray Center - from the BioInformatics and Molecular Analysis Section of the NIH Center for Info. Technology.
Portal to protein subcellular localization resources and tools, for prediction in gram negative bacteria. Maintained by the Brinkman Laboratory, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada.