english deutsch
AG BIODV: Software Development for Molecular Biolo
AG BIODV is a research group at the GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health. We develop software tools for sequence and promoter analysis.
Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iow
Development of data-driven knowledge acquisition in computational molecular biology from diverse, distributed, biological data sets with applications in genetic network inference and macromolecular structure-function characterization.
Bioinfo.PL - polish bioinformatics site
Site of a Polish group working mainly on protein sequence analysis.
Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics, Ghent Un
Group in the Department of Plant Systems Biology, University of Ghent, Belgium. Working on functional, structural, and comparative genomics.
BioInformatics Centre - Singapore
BIC hosts Bio-Resources including BioAgent, BioPortal, APBioNET, BioJournals, BioFTP Sites, BioSoftware, Biotech Directories, BioNet News/Archives, Bio Databases, Bio Catalogs, E-Mail Servers, Virtual Lib, Web Search, Patent Search
Bioinformatics Centre, IMTECH, Chandigarh, India
A bioinformatics research centre with interests such as protein structure prediction and biocomputing. Provides useful software including some they have developed.
BioInformatics Institute of Singapore
An independent organization affiliated to the National University of Singapore; Focus on research and teaching in bioinformatics.
Bioinformatics Unit at University of Manchester
Provides links both to projects and the people involved, comparative dot plots of whole genomes and chromosomal fragments, a browsable ontology of bioinformatics, Comparative interaction tables, 3D visualisation of the yeast protein clusters in the INTERACT database, EMBL-SCALAR, Search at SWISSPROT using Conceptual BLAST.
Biomolecular Modelling at the Imperial Cancer Rese
Group headed by Dr. Michael Sternberg working on protein bioinformatics tools for fold recognition, modelling, docking, and genome annotation. Developers of 3D-PSSM, 3D-JIGSAW, SAWTED, FTDOCK.
Brutlag Bioinformatics Group
Homepage of a group at Stanford University who are interested in the problems of predicting biological function and structure from primary sequence. Developers of EMOTIF, EMATRIX, and 3MOTIF.
Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
Library and Bioinformatics Centre, with databases on the biotechnological aspects of coconut, cocoa and arecanut. Provides career opportunities, staff profiles and mission statement.
Computational Biology Research Center
Computational Biology Research Center at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. The focus is on bioinformatics in terms of information theory independent from experimental-biology projects.
Computational Molecular Biology Training Group
Integrative graduate education and research training (IGERT) Computational Molecular Biology at Iowa State University. Major thrusts include bioinformatics, genomics, genome evolution, and macromolecular Structure and function studies.
DISCO Research Group
Computational Biology and Natural Computing.
Division of Genetic Medicine, Vanderbilt Universit
Homepage of Division of Genetic Medicine. Describes bioinformatic techniques being used, current research projects and faculty, current job openings.
Dr. G P S Raghava
Work in bioinformatics with particular emphasis on protein structure prediction.
Gary Churchill's Statistical Genetics Group
A group at Jackson Laboratories, who are developing statistical and computational tools for the study of genetics and molecular biology. Major interests seem to be QTL analysis and analysis of expression array results.
Genome Analysis and System Modeling Group of the L
The mission of this organization is to address fundamental questions in the life sciences and provide information and analytical resources to the wider biology research community.
Hanah Margalit's Bioinformatics Lab
An Israeli lab focussing on: determination of T-cell epitopes along a protein sequence, protein-DNA interaction in transcription regulation, genome-scale analysis, sequence-structure relationship.
Helix Bioinformatics Group
This is a research group within the Stanford Medical Informatics laboratory directed by Russ Altman, MD, PhD. We focus on the application of computational techniques to problems in molecular biology. We are particularly interested in (1) knowledge-based systems for supporting scientific computation (2) the representation and manipulation of structural uncertainty, (3) and the development of novel representations of structure that are useful for computing.
Institute of Molecular Bioscience
The Institute for Molecular Bioscience is the centrepiece of a research complex being developed by the University of Queensland in partnership with Australia's CSIRO and other research agencies. Research focus is on animal, biomedical and pharmaceutical research and it has a major division of genomics and bioinformatics.
Lawrence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Bi
Bioinformatics faculty, research, training, and resources at Iowa State University.
Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics
Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, Uppsala, Sweden, research areas include Algorithms and Databases, Genome Studies, Expression and Function, and Structure and Design. Runs courses and seminars in Bioinformatics.
Modlab - The Molecular Design Laboratory of the Un
Modlab is a virtual research group at the biological faculty of the University of Freiburg. Its main aim is to complement the biology, chemistry and computer science curricula by teaching and research in bioinformatics and molecular design, and to provide the Gecco!(TM) prediction server.
National Bioinformatics Research Center
Computational biology research in Iran.
NDSU Plant Abiotic Stress, Genomics and Bioinforma
Homepage of a group at North Dakota State University.
Structural Bioinformatics Lab at Boston University
The homepage for the Structural Bioinformatics Lab at Boston University under Dr. Sandor Vajda.
The Institite for Genomic Research
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) is a not-for-profit research institute carrying out structural, functional and comparative analysis of genomes and gene products.
Theoretical and computational biology group
The Theoretical and computational biology group at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge is headed by Cyrus Chothia. The group has a strong interest in genome analysis and protein structure.
UC Santa Cruz Bioinformatics Research Group
The University of California, Santa Cruz Bioinformatics group built the tools Genie for gene-finding and SAM for hidden Markov models. Interests include assembling the human genome, protein structure prediction, stochastic context-free grammars for RNA alignment.
UCLA Bioinformatics
Main web site for the UCLA Bioinformatics program.
Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics in Eire
The Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics in Eire (VIBE) is an initiative to consolidate bioinformatics research in the Republic of Ireland.