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Extropy Institute
Probably the largest Transhumanist organization. EI advocates using technology to extend healthy life, augment intelligence, optimize psychology, and improve social systems.
Frontier Organizations on the Web
A major list of futuristic organizations in the areas of future studies, philosophy, personal and social liberation, and advanced technology.
Life Extension: Looking Into the Next Millennium
A 1999 article by David Jay Brown. Features Robot Medicine, Extremiphilic Insight, Cryonic Suspension, Naonoprotectants, Heat Shock Proteins, and Naked DNA.
Mind Uploading
"Uploading" is the putative future process of copying one's mind from the natural substrate of the brain into an artificial one, manufactured by humans.
Minds & Machines
Links on Artificial Intelligence and other mind-machine interaction.
Plausible Futures
List of sites for future scenarios and planning in various fields from economics and management to technology. Includes a newsletter.
Revelations of the Future Kind
An index to web pages and other speculation about the future, both scientific and science fiction. Dozens of topics from cryonics and nanotechnology to catastrophism, A.I., SETI, and space travel. Also contains J.R. Mooneyham's "Speculative Timeline of Future Technology and Social Change."
Space Future
Space Tourism, space vehicles, and the Space Future Journal.
The Diachronic Self: Identity, Continuity, Transfo
Text of Max More's 1995 Ph.D thesis in Philosophy. More looks for a new understanding of personal identity and examines how that understanding may change the definition of death. It's rather heavy reading.
The First Immortal Generation
Writer Damien Broderick talks about the futuristic possibility of the end of death as we know it. Transcript of a radio interview on Australian Broadcasting Corporation's "Ockham's Razor," broadcast May 23, 1999.
Transhumanist Art Centre
The website for the Extropic Art Movement, "insight into the future directions of art and creativity." Managed by artist Natasha Vita-More.
Transhumanist Resources
An immense, impressive list of sites from science and philosophy to art and entertainment.