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Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago: Embryo freez
Cryopreservation of embryos after in vitro fertilization. Fairly detailed explanation. Chicago IL.
Advanced Fertility Services, P. C.
Private infertility center offering cryopreservation of semen and embryos for future use by the patient. In New York City and Larchmont NY.
Andrology Laboratory Services - ALS Inc.
An independent laboratory providing DNA parenthood confirmation, semen freezing, and other services. Chicago, IL.
Biogenetics Corporation
Provides cryopreservation and/or storage to individuals preserving their own sperm, embryos, testicular tissue, or ovarian tissue. Contact information for offices in New York and New Jersey.
California Cryobank
Tissue bank for sperm and embryo storage in Los Angeles and Palo Alto, California, and in Cambridge MA. Umbilical cord blood storage in Santa Monica, California.
Canine Cryobank
Cryopreservation of dog semen for breeding, and of cells for possible future cloning. In San Marcos, California.
Chicago Area Midwest Sperm Bank
Services include donor specimens, semen analysis, semen storage. Order donor sperm on-line.
Cooper Center for In Vitro Fertilization
In Vitro Fertilization services, including cryopreservation of embryos. In New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware Regions.
CORD - Cryobank for Oncologic and Reproductive Don
A cryobank offering cryopreservation of umbilical cord blood, semen banking, and male infertility testing. In Middletown, NY.
Cryobanks International
Provides umbilical cord blood storage, personal blood storage, semen banking, anonymous donor semen, and male infertility testing. Has a very good FAQ section. In Altamonte Springs, Florida.
Cryos International Sperm Bank
Worldwide delivery of frozen tested semen from 250 donors on stock - mostly Scandinavians. In Aarhus, Denmark.
Fairfax Cryobank
The human sperm bank division of the Genetics & IVF Institute.
Genetics & IVF Institute
Provider of infertility treatment and genetics services, in Fairfax, Virginia and Gaithersburg, Maryland. Includes detailed discussion of cryopreservation of sperm, ova, and embryos.
Genius Sperm Banks
Listing of sperm banks which select donors based on intelligence and achievements.
Human Oocyte and Embryo Cryopreservation
Detailed discussion of human egg and embryo freezing. By Michael J. Tucker PhD, Georgia Reproductive Specialists, Atlanta, GA.
IVF Bank
Provides storage and programs in egg-donation, IVF and other assisted reproductive techniques. Includes information for donors and prospective parents. Seoul, Korea. [English, Japanese and Chinese]
IVF.com: Infertility, IVF, Endometriosis
An exceptionally informative page on in-vitro fertilization, including the cryopreservation of human oocytes (eggs) and embryos. Associated with Georgia Reproductive Specialists, Atlanta.
Man Not Included
Services for lesbians and lesbian couples. Includes donor signup and privacy information. Based in London, England.
Maze Laboratories
Male fertility testing consisting of cryobanking, sperm washing, and semen analysis. Locations in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
Midwest Cryobank Semen Storage
Long term frozen semen storage and semen analysis. In Downer's Grove, IL
Mouse Frozen Embryo and Sperm Archive (FESA)
Mouse sperm and embryo cryopreservation research and services. One of the largest research archives in the world. Part of the Mammalian Genetics Unit, Harwell UK
New England Cryogenic Center
Cryobank & laboratory services, including anonymous donor semen, sperm banking services, & embryo storage and transporting. Boston MA.
New York Cryo
A licensed and accredited sperm bank on Long Island (Great Neck, NY).
NW Andrology & Cryobank Inc.
Sperm and egg bank services, including sperm and ova storage, frozen donor sperm, insemination supplies, and ovulation test and monitoring kits. In Spokane, WA.
ProVitro Fertility Products
Manufacturer of infertility products including spermfilter, spermwash, sperm cryoprotective medium. In Odense, Denmark.
Reproductive Resources, Inc.
Full-service sperm bank and reproductive laboratory. Located in Metairie, LA.
ReproMed Limited
Fertility clinic offering cryobanking of sperm, ova, and embryos. Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada.
San Diego Fertility Center
Provider of reproductive services in San Diego, California, region, including embryo and sperm cryopreservation.
Save My Eggs, Inc.
Infertility clinic offering in vitro fertilization services and cryopreservation of human eggs, embryos and sperm.. Specializes in human egg freezing. In Jacksonville FL
Scandinavian Cryobank
Scandinavian Cryobank is a sperm bank which specializes in delivery of cryopreserved semen from screened Scandinavian donors. Located in Seattle, Washington, but will ship anywhere in the world.
Shady Grove Fertility
IVF and infertility treatment for both females and males, including IVF (in vitro fertilization), ICSI, donor egg, and blastocyst transfer. Offices in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Very informative site.
So You Wanna Donate Sperm?
Explains how to be a sperm donor, including how to find a sperm bank, how to jump through the administrative hoops, what medical and background tests you'll have to pass, and signing a contract.
Sperm bank
Details the increased levels of sperm donation from Scandanavian countries and the possible reprecussions.
Sperm Bank of California
Non-profit sperm bank open to all women, regardless of race, ethnicity, marital status, or sexual orientation. Advocates open approach to donor insemination.
Sperm Donor Listing
A list of links to many major US sperm banks and a free search service for sperm donors available at these sperm banks.
Sperm Research
A series of articles about sperm health, sperm donation, and sperm banks from 4-Men.org Newsletter.
Listing of sperm donors available through sperm banks across the United States. Use of the main part of the service requires registration and a fee. Free information includes a listing of U.S. sperm banks by state.
Taconic Long-Term Cryopreservation Program
Research and services in cryopreservation of mouse embryos. In Germantown, NY, with several U.S offices, as well as in Europe, Korea, and Japan.
The Bridge Centre
Based in London, provides investigation and treatment of infertility plus a wide range of gynaecological services. Includes cryogenic storage of sperm and embryos.
The Tyler Medical Clinic and Westwood Cryobank
Fertility clinic, with frozen storage of sperm, ova, embryos, and testicular and ovarian tissue. In Los Angeles, CA.
University of California San Francisco, In Vitro F
Provides infertility services, including embryo and semen cryopreservation.
West Coast Fertility Centers Gamete Laboratory
Cryopreservation of sperm, embryos, and eggs for short- or long-term deferred insemination, and other ART procedures. Fountain Valley, California.
Xytex Sperm Bank
A frozen semen donor bank which provides copious donor information on request, including donor photographs, video interviews, personality profiles, and permanent tracking of genetic information. In Augusta, Georgia, with several offices in the United States and Canada.
Xytex Tissue Services
Semen and embryo storage services for patients worldwide. A detailed site. In Atlanta Georgia. Affiliated with Xytex Sperm Bank; but this is a separate storage company.