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About Leeches, All About Leeches, Australian Museum: Leeches, Class Hirudinea, Hirudinea, Hirudo medicinalis, Leeches, Leeches - Hirudinea
Earthworm Biology and Production, Earthworm Information, Malaysian Freshwater Oligochaetes, Oligochaeta
Introduction to the Pogonophora
Bristle Worms and their Larvae, Current research on Onuphid beachworms from Austra, Guide to Singapore Polychaetes
Annelid resources
A guide to scientific information on annelids, and to current worm research and researchers.
Annelida - Introduction
Annelid worms, brought to you by Biological Sciences at the University of Paisley.
Center for Annelida Resources
The Illinois Natural History Survey Annelida Collection is one of the largest state collections of freshwater oligochaetes in the USA, holding more than 300,000 specimens.
Introduction to the Annelida
Introduction to the Annelida, the segmented worms.
Phylum Annelida
The segmented worms, including earthworms, polychaete worms, and leeches.
UCSC Annelida
Anatomical illustrations of segmented worms from the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Wormlab Home Page
Photographs and links to other worm pages.