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David Julian: Urechis caupo research
MPEG files of Urechis caupo (Echiura) feeding behavior and summary of corresponding paper.
Echiura - Devolopment of the nervous system and ph
Immunohistochemical analysis (cLSM) of the development and organization of the nervous system in Echiura and the phylogenetic implications of these results. The work of Rene Hessling shows volume rendered three-dimensional reconstructions of the central nervous system of Bonellia viridis. The results suggest that the Echiura do not form a distinct phylum but should be consided as a subtaxon of Annelida.
Introduction to the Echiura
Introduction to this small phylum, closely related to the Annelids, from UCMP Berkeley.
Life with Toxic Sulfide
A talk by Alissa Arp about Hydrothermal Vents, Deep Sea Vents, Seeps and Estuarine Mud--Life with Toxic Sulfide - Taxa included are Pogonophora and Echiura
Masters Research - Urechis caupo
This study conducted by Jeff Judd at San Francisco State University was a general survey of the natural history, feeding and digestive physiology of Urechis caupo, the fat innkeeper worm.
Minor Invertebrate Phyla - Echiura
Echiurans are marine worms that burrow into mud or sand or live in empty shells.