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Microbiological journal devoted to original research on the Archaea. Author guide, publication schedule, and text of older articles.
Introduction to this life form, written at three different levels of complexity for use by educators and students.
Archaea (Archaebacteria)
Taxonomy, description, and extensive references, with particular emphasis on the Crenarchaeota (classified here as a Kingdom.)
Links to popular press and journal articles, research news, and other sources of information about Archaea and extremophiles. Includes user comments.
ARCHAIC (ARCHAebacterial Information Collection)
Genome sequences of three Euryarchaeota species, Pyrococcus sp. OT3, Thermoplasma volcanium GSS1, and Archaeoglobus fulgidus, and related papers by the research group.
Domain Archaea
Basic phylogeny, gene organization, and methods of DNA replication and transcription.
Detailed discussion of the molecules involved in their cytoplasmic and photosynthetic membrane lipids, structural glycoproteins, ionic relationships, and photosynthetic cycle.
Horikoshi Superbugs
Summary of interesting organisms discovered during a search for extremophiles, including a picture of the triangular halophile Haloarcula japonicus.
Introduction to the Archaea
Covers their main groupings, chemical differences from other life forms, fossil record, and the structure of their cell walls.
Journal of Biological Chemistry: Extreme Halophile
Research on the methyltransferase enzymes involved in synthesis of glycine betaine in Actinopolyspora halophila and Ectothiorhodospira halochloris. Transfer of the relevant genes increased salt tolerance in E. coli.
Life in Extreme Environments
Links to information about thermophiles, halophiles, and other extremophiles both inside and outside of the domain Archaea.
Microbe from Depths Takes Life to Hottest Known Li
A newly discovered organism thrives near deep-sea ocean vents at temperatures up to 121C, living off dissolved iron. Images, video, and links to related research. Press release from the National Science Foundation.
Microbial Wonders Of The Deep - Halophiles
Discusses the unique lipid composition of their cell walls, bacteriorhodopsin photosynthesis, and the use of high concentrations of potassium to combat sodium osmosis.
Taxonomy Browser (Archaea)
Shows the relationships among the reconginzed groups, and samples yet to be named or classified.
The Scientist: Hot-Vent Microbes: Looking Backward
Summary of research into the scientific uses of thermophiles and their heat-tolerant enzymes, such as PCR (polymerase chain reactions), toxic waste cleanup, and biomedical processes. [Free registration required]