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Cycadaceae, Stangeriaceae, Zamiaceae, Cycad Identification, Cycad Societies, Cycadophytes, Gardening with Cycads, Where to See Cycads
Fossil history.
Introduction to the Cycads
An excellent place to begin learning about the Cycads
PACSOA - Cycads
Includes many articles, detailed species accounts, and images. From the Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia (PACSOA).
The Cycad Pages
Extensive botanical database on the known cycads, including identification and classification, ecology and conservation, cycad evolution and the fossil record, geography and distribution, and horticultural information.
The Cycads: Fossils of the Past
An introduction.
University of Georgia Greenhouses - Non-flowering
Includes images of the cycad collection.
Virtual Cycad Encyclopedia
Good source for information on Cycads. Includes taxonomy, biology, photos, links.