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California Academy of Sciences Diatom Collection, Cohn Lab Center For Diatom Research, Freshwater Diatoms, Great Lakes Diatoms, Introduction to Bacillariophyta (the Diatoms)
Caulerpaceae, Characeae, Codiaceae, Dasycladaceae, Oedogoniaceae, Scenedesmaceae, Ulotrichaceae, Volvocaceae, Zygnemataceae, Desmids, Desmids.com, Protist Images: Chlorophyta
Introduction to the Chrysophyta
Background Information on Pfiesteria, Dinoflagellate-L, Dinoflagellates (University of Calgary), Introduction to the Dinoflagellata, Pfiesteria piscicida, Pfiesteria piscicida and Pfiesteria-like Organisms
The Euglenoid Project
Ceratiomyxaceae, Physaraceae, Plasmodiophoraceae, Reticulariaceae, Stemonitaceae, Introduction to the 'Slime Molds', MyxoWeb, Phylum Myxostelida, Slime Moulds
Albuginaceae, Peronosporaceae, Pythiaceae, Saprolegniaceae, Introduction to the Oomycota, Simple Fungi - Phyla Chytridiomycota and Oomycota
Cystoseiraceae, Dictyotaceae, Ectocarpaceae, Fucaceae, Introduction to the Phaeophyta
Bangiaceae, Ceramiaceae, Corallinaceae, Cryptonemiaceae, Delesseriaceae, Gelidiaceae, Helminthocladiaceae, Rhodomelaceae
Introduction to the Xanthophyta: Yellow-Green Alga
Algae of the Keweenaw
Large image gallery of freshwater algae from the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan.
Information on the algae of the world, including terrestrial, marine, and freshwater forms. Search by genus, species, or common name. Includes images and references.
Caribbean Reef Plants
Sample pages and images from an identification guide to marine algae and seagrasses.
Microscopy of the protozoa by Piotr Rotkiewicz - includes images, systematics, glossary, forum, and resources.
Freakin Fucus
Introduction and technical information regarding seaweeds and phycology.
Introduction to the Chromista: From Microbes to Gi
General discussion of the kingdom-level taxon Chromista, including diatoms, kelp, downy mildew, and other organisms that possess chlorophyll and are mostly photosynthetic, but are not plants. Includes links for more information.
Kingdom Protista
An interactive phylogenetic tree with information about the major groups of protists.
Kingdom Protoctista
Introductory look at the Kingdom.
Natural Perspective: The Protoctist Kingdom (Proto
Describes the kingdom as "a catch-all for the multicellular organisms which don't fit into the Animal, Plant, or Fungus Kingdoms" and describes its scope.
Parasitic Protozoa
Overview of the one-fifth of protozoan species that are parasitic.
Photos of Algae
Images of about 20 genera from the El Eden Ecological Reserve, Mexico.
Protist Image Data
Pictures and information on selected genera of algae and protozoa.
Protist Information Server
Image database archiving more than 34,000 images (511 genera, 1944 species) and 556 movie clips for research and education.
Protista Index
Short articles and illustrations of the major groups of protists.
Seaweed Site
Algae-L discussion list, book list, comprehensive information, and photographs.
The Center for Phycological Documentation
Information about algae and their taxonomy, including 'The Catalogue of the Benthic Marine Algae of the Indian Ocean,' and 'The Index Nominum Algarum,' a compendium of circa 200,000 algal names.
World of Algae
Basic information and links to resources about algae.