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American Medical Association
Provides examples, scenarios, implications, definitions, and the economics of pharmacogenetics.
An Overview of Pharmacogenetics
Provides the history, technology, and application of pharmacogenetics.
Center for Pharmacogenetics
Research program bridging together pharmacy and genetics. Features mission overview, research programs, and faculty members .
GCRC Pharmacogenetics Core Laboratory
Facilitate mechanisms for evaluation of pharmacogenomic endpoint measurements. Features an overview of services, available tests, personnel, and related links. University of Pittsburgh.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Provides information on the institute's pharmacogenetics research network . Includes links to program announcements, news and events, and resources.
One Size Does Not Fit All: The Promise of Pharmaco
Definitions, current research, and future predictions of the use of pharmacogenomics in drug response.
Publish research papers and articles on genetic determinants of response to drugs and other chemicals in humans and animals. Table of contents, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information.
Pharmacogenetics of Anticancer Agents Research Gro
Identify and evaluate polymorphisms in drug metabolizing enzymes, transporters, or targets relevant to anticancer agents. Includes publications, training, and related links.
Pharmacogenomics: Medicine and the New Genetics
Overview, anticipated benefits, and links to related resources. From the U.S. Human Genome Project.
Pharmocogenetics Knowledge Base
Integrated resource about how variation in human genetics leads to variation in response to drugs.
UCSF Pharmacogenetics of Membrane Transporters Pro
Conduct research and a series of integrated studies to elucidate the pharmacogenetics of membrane transport proteins. Includes information on personnel, publications, training, and available data.