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Products and Services
Abazyme LLC, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., ASI Bio-Tech Co., Ltd., BioLegend, BioMonitor, Biosource diagnostics, BioSource International Inc., Chemocentryx, Chemokine Therapeutics Corp., Cytokine PharmaSciences Inc.
2nd International Conference on Cytokine Medicine
Aims to provide a forum for all specialties and disciplines with interests in clinical and scientific aspects of cytokine medicine, including recent advances in cytokine biology, recent data from clinical trials in different diseases, the use of cytokine medicines in healthcare as well as delivery and monitoring cytokine products. The meeting to be held in Manchester, United kingdom on May 19-20, 2005.
Conference on Local Vascular and Inflammatory Medi
Exploring the future directions in unraveling the roles of local vascular and inflammatory mediators in health and disease and their potential as targets in drug therapy. The meeting to be held in Lund, Sweden on May 26-28, 2005.
Subscription and submission invitation for articles on study and applications of interleukins, hematopoietic factors, growth factors, cytotoxins, interferons, and putative cytokines in the official journal of the International Cytokine Society, published by Academic Press.
Cytokine Family Database
A collection of EST (Expressed Sequence Tag) records of cytokines deposited in the NCBI GenBank.
Cytokine Interest Group
Forum for the interaction of scientists with a common interest in the immunology, molecular biology and physiology of cytokines, information on mini-symposia by NIH-area scientists dealing with multidisciplinary aspects of cytokine research, as well as membership open to all. Maintained by National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Cytokine Reference
A compendium of cytokines and other mediators of host defense. Cytokines structure and function description, gene regulation, in vivo and in vitro activities, diagnostic and therapeutic utilities as well as cytokine classification by family, receptor, name, disease and cell type.
Cytokine Signaling Pathway Database
Contains information on signaling pathways of cytokines for biomedical researchers.
Cytokine Webfacts
Subscription only compendium on cytokines and their receptors, consists of the entire content of the Cytokine FactsBook, published by Academic Press, Elsevier Science.
Overview of cytokines, their properties, activities and receptors. Part of immunology course offered by the Department of Veterinary Science and Microbiology at the University of Arizona, USA.
Cytokines and psychiatry
Abstract of review of recent developments in cytokine biology that are relevant to clinical psychiatry. The role of cytokines in various brain activities and pathophysiology of specific psychiatric disorders.
Cytokines at Dalhousie University
Review of main cytokines and their principle activities. Maintained by Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Canada.
Cytokines in Allergic Disease
Overview of main cytokines engaged in allergic responses and their therapeutic potential in allergic diseases. Maintained by Medical Education Information Center, University of Texas.
Cytokines Online Pathfinder Encyclopedia
COPE, claiming over 10,000 entries, over 19,000 references on cytokine research, extensive hyperlinks, with tables, formulae, graphics, and integrated sub-dictionaries on related disciplines. Includes profile of author Prof. Horst Ibelgaufts.
Cytokines Web
Structure and function of cytokines and their receptors, and their potential therapeutic uses, in treatment of cancer and AIDS, provided by the medical university, Beijing, China.
Arachidonic acid metabolic pathways. Synthesis of prostanoids, lipoxin and leukotriene.
Growth Factors and Cytokines
Introduction to growth factors and cytokines maintained by Michael W. King at the School of Medicine, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN.
Hormones and Cytokines
Overview of regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by cytokines: actions and mechanisms of action.
ICI Cytokine Data Collection
Information on main cytokines, pictures regarding cytokine receptor classes, links to signal pathways, internet resources, and slide show about signalling pathways inside the cell, maintained by Institute of Clinical Immunology, FSU Jena, Germany.
Collection of academic and professional publications including information on cytokines, cellular and molecular therapy.
International Cytokine Society
Society affairs, members and application details, conferences, downloadable PDF newsletters, links to journals and other resources. Also discussion group, including archive to 1997, and contact list for postdoctoral posts worldwide.
Molecular Mediators, Cytokines
Eight topic lectures covering cytokines, their first description, features, philosophy, comparison with hormones, chemokines and the classes of receptor families. Part of the pathology course by Alexander G. Izaguirre at University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
Muscle and immune proteins
Overview of sarcopenia and potentialities of physical exercise as an prevention method of immunosenescence, correlation between the muscle mass and TNF-alpha:IL-6 ratio.
PRGF. Plasma Rich in Growth Factors
Technique for bone and tissue regeneration, conceived and developed by BTI Biotechnology Institute. Some of his therapeutical applications are oral, maxillofacial, periodontal surgery and dental implants.
R & D Systems - Cytokine Facts
Cytokines mini-reviews, their applications, cytokine facts and literature, maintained by R&D Systems company.
Research Diagnostics Inc.
Offers, for in vitro research use only, recombinant growth factors, cytokines, chemokines and in some case ELISA kits and receptors, including soluble free fraction VEGF-receptor kit, from Flanders, NJ.
SBH Sciences
Promoting collaboration and outsourcing to develop cell culture processes, including proliferation and neutralization bioassays, using their cytokines and growth factors in cell culture media, from manufacturer at Natick, MA.
Structural Biology in the Walter Lab
Studies of the alpha helical cytokine family Interferon-gamma, interferon-alpha, and interleukin-10, their receptors, intracellular signaling molecules with emphasis on understanding the structural basis of molecular recognition events that subsequently lead to cellular signal transduction, maintained by Mark R. Walter laboratory at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
T-Helper Cells & Cytokines In Multiple Scleros
Four abstracts covering the role of cytokines and T-helper cells in multiple sclerosis.
The International Society for Interferon and Cytok
The cytokine-interferon open forum, downloadable PDF newsletters, links to conferences, meetings, related websites and journals as well as society matters and membership details along with application forms.
Trophic factors
Contains information on neurotrophins, cytokines, growth factors - their main features, receptors and receptor subunits, as well as trophic factor related disorders. Maintained by the Neuromuscular Disease Centre at the Washington University, St.Louis, MO, USA.