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Albany Medical College
Programs lead to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Links are provided to much information about the program. Research specialties include: Cell Biology and Cancer Research, Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, Immunology and Microbial Disease, Cardiovascular Sciences
Ball State University Physiology and Health Scienc
Master of Science and Ph.D. degree programs are described. Links to program, faculty, student information are provided.
Central Michigan University Graduate Studies
The Central Michigan University Department of Biology offers the master of science (M.S.) degree with emphasis in aquatic biology, ecology, conservation biology, behavior and behavioral ecology, physiology, microbial ecology, molecular biology, and immunology. The degree is offered with both thesis and nonthesis options.
Colorado State University Department of Physiology
Both the Ph.D. and M.S. programs are flexible in content; the only required courses are the graduate-level sequence in mammalian physiology and departmental seminars; Ph.D. students also must take a course in advanced cell biology.
Columbia University Physiology Department
The objective of The Graduate Program in Physiology and Cellular Biophysics is to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which graduate students acquire fundamental training in cellular and molecular biology and biophysics.
Dartmouth University Molecular, Cellular and Syste
The Department of Physiology at Dartmouth Medical School offers a Graduate Program leading to a Ph.D. for students seeking careers as independent investigators and teachers in physiology and related fields.
East Carolina University Physiology
A Ph.D. degree program in physiology is offered. Program, faculty, and student information is provided.
East Tennessee State University Physiology
M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs are offered. Links to program information are provided.
Exercise Physiology Research Laboratory
Directed by Christopher B. Cooper, MD, in the Depts. of Medicine & Physiology at the UCLA School of Medicine.
Georgetown University Department of Physiology and
This Department provides a full range of research training experiences and graduate courses, offers both M.S. and PhD. degrees, and participates in the M.D./Ph.D. and multi-disciplinary programs within the Medical Center.
Georgia State University Biology
Master of Science and Ph.D. degree programs in cell biology and physiology are described.
Howard University Physiology and Biophysics
Ph.D. program is offered with specialties in many areas of physiology. Links to program information are included.
Indiana State University Physiology
The Department of Life Sciences offers three Graduate degrees, the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), the Master of Arts (M.A.), and the Master of Science (M.S.)
Indiana University Purdue University Physiology
Masters and Ph.D. programs are offered. Links describe research areas, graduate programs, and local environment.
Iowa State University Animal Physiology
Two areas of specialization (Reproductive Physiology and Muscle Biology) are available to graduate students in Animal Physiology at both the M.S. and Ph.D. level, including the nonthesis option:.
Johns Hopkins University Physiology
The Department of Physiology accepts students for graduate study leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Applicants must satisfy the requirements of the Department before admission. Candidates for the degree of Master of Arts in Physiology are not accepted.
Kent State University Graduate Program in Physiolo
Graduate work may lead to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biological Sciences, with concentrations in Reproductive Physiology and Endocrinology or in Environmental and Comparative Physiology. A major objective is to develop individuals competent in both research and teaching.
Loyola University - Department of Physiology
Home page of the department with links to faculty, research, and graduate programs Loyola.
Marshall University Physiology
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical sciences are offered. Physiology program emphasizes mammalian physiology.
Medical College of Georgia Physiology & Endocr
The Department prepares qualified students for careers as research scientists and college teachers. The department offers master's and Ph.D. degrees in both physiological and endocrinological sciences. Students accepted into medical school may pursue a combined M.D./Ph.D. degree.
Medical University of South Carolina Physiology an
The Department offers graduate programs leading to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. The Department also participates in the Medical Scientist Training Program, in which students earn the combined M.D./Ph.D. degrees.
Michigan State University Graduate Program in Phys
Course and seminar information, research resources and directory, and useful links. M.S. and Ph.D. programs are offered.
New York Medical College Physiology
Our aim is to provide students with understanding of structure and function of cells and organ systems of the body and the means by which these functions are regulated. Instruction leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and/or Master of Science is available in the following specialized areas: cellular neurophysiology, regulation of sleep and wakefulness, neural, endocrine and local control of the circulation and microcirculation, cardiac dynamics, cardiac hypertrophy and failure, endocrinology, neuroendocrinology, renal physiology, oxygen metabolism and the physiology of biological membranes.
North Carolina State University Physiology
College of Veterinary Medicine graduate program offers Masters of Physiology (non-thesis), Masters of Science (thesis), and Doctor of Philosophy (thesis) degrees in Physiology.
Northeastern University Boston Exercise Physiology
Master of Science degree is offeres in Clinical Exercise Physiology.
Northwestern University Interdepartmental Biologic
Ph.D. degree program is offered in the Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program. The IBiS program develops PhD students as independent scientists and teachers. Links to faculty research descriptions and publications.
NYU School of Medicine - Graduate Biomedical Studi
Ph.D. programs in physiology, neuroscience, and other biomedical sciences are offered. Links to program and graduate student information are provided.
Penn State University Graduate Program in Neurosci
A program leading to a Ph.D. degree is offered. Students enroute to a Ph.D. may also obtain a Master of Science degree.
Penn State University Graduate Program in Physiolo
Programs of study lead to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Links to information about department, program, curriculum, faculty and students, seminars are provided.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Undergradu
The Department of Physiology is administratively based in theSchool of Medicine. The undergraduate program for physiology is in the College of Science.
State University of New York Upstate Medical Unive
Ph.D. program is offered in several disciplines.
SUNY Stony Brook Physiology and Biophysics
Two research concentrations are available to graduate students seeking a Ph.D.: Cellular & Molecular Physiology, and Biophysics.
Texas A&M University Veterinary Physiology and
We offer the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology. These programs are focused on both veterinary and human physiology and pharmacology utilizing the unique aspects of each species to enhance our insights and understandings into basic processes in all other species.
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Physi
Review of faculty research, graduate and research programs, seminars, and news.
Tufts University Department of Physiology
PhD program in molecular and cellular physiology with links to faculty homepages and courses.
Tulane University Physiology
Links to information about fellowship and graduate programs, faculty, resources, and online course resources.
Uniformed Services University Anatomy, Physiology,
Ph.D. degree program is offered. Much information about the program and goals of the university is linked from the front page.
University of Alabama--Birmingham Physiology and B
The Ph.D. program is designed to produce physiologists for both teaching and research. Master of Science degrees are also awarded through the Graduate School for qualified secondary teachers and medical students.
University of Arizona Department of Physiology
Research, instruments and techniques, history, publications, and the lecture archives for a number of courses.
University of California at Los Angeles Physiology
Graduate degrees are offered in Physiology. This site lists links to much information of interest to any potential student at UCLA.
University of California Davis Physiology
Physiology Graduate Group offers a comprehensive program of courses and outstanding research opportunities leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees and participates in joint Ph.D./M.D. and Ph.D./D.V.M. programs.
University of Chicago Cellular and Molecular Physi
A Ph.D. degree program is offered for graduate studies. Information about the program, faculty, seminars is provided.
University of Cincinnati Molecular and Cellular Ph
The mission of the Graduate Program is to educate and train graduate students for careers in biomedical research.
University of Connecticut Physiology and Neurobiol
The Department offers a program of graduate study leading to MS or PhD degrees in Physiology and Neurobiology.
University of Florida Department of Physiology
The Advanced Concentration in Physiology & Pharmacology is one of six advanced concetrations leading to the Ph.D. degree under the auspices of the Interdisciplinary Program (IDP) in Biomedical Sciences.
University of Florida Physiology & Pharmacolog
Graduate program leads to a Ph.D. degree. The program is one of six specialization areas in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program.
University of Illinois at Chicago Physiology
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees ore offered. Links to Ph.D program, M.S. program, and Department Information.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Molecul
Information on applying for Graduate Studies; Faculty Research Information; Course Offerings, Department, Campus and Community Information
University of Iowa Physiology and Biophysics
Students are pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Department's graduate program.
University of Louisville Perception and Sensory Ph
Description of a doctoral program designed to train students for teaching and research careers. Research emphasis is on visual perception and visual neuroscience.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Joint program with Rutgers, State University of New Jersey and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
University of Michigan Department of Physiology
Individualized training merges state-of-the-art molecular, cellular, and biophysical approaches with traditional physiological approaches.Studies lead to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
University of Minnesota Animal Science
Graduate students focus their research project in one primary area while gaining supporting knowledge from other areas. Research possiblities include mechanisms of membrane transport, cardiovascular physiology, neuroendocrinology, reproductive endocrinology, and gamete biology. Multidisciplinary approaches are stressed.
University of Mississippi Medical Center Physiolog
Department of Physiology and Biophysics overview, including faculty and student information, weekly seminar announcements, and links to an online modeling workshop and
University of Missouri Columbia Physiology
A Ph.D. degree program in the Department of Physiology offers a wide range of choices or research area. Some of the strengths of the department are: Cardiovascular Physiology, The Physiology of Exercise, Membrane Physiology/Biophysics.
University of Missouri Department of Physiology
Comprehensive graduate program leads to a Ph.D. in physiology. There is also a 6 year M.D./Ph.D. program.
University of Missouri Exercise Physiology Graduat
Exercise physiology research emphasizes human studies, but animal exercise models are available on campus. Teaching and research assistantships are available on a competitive basis. Ph.D. and M.A. degrees are offered.
University of North Texas Health Science Center at
M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs in Integrative Physiology are offered. Links to information about the graduate school of biomedical sciences are provided.
University of Pennsylvania Physiology Department
All Physiology graduate students are administered through the office of Biomedical Graduate Studies, and most students belong to one of the following three graduate groups: Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Neuroscience.
University of Pittsburgh Cell Biology and Molecula
Studies lead to a Ph.D. degree. Graduates will be able to study and appreciate cell function, physiology, cell interactions, and development from the molecular to the organ level.
University of Rochester Medical Center Physiology
The Department of Pharmacology and Physiology of the University of Rochester Medical Center investigates and teaches mechanisms of drug action and of integrative cellular and molecular biology. Studies lead to a Ph.D. degree.
University of South Dakota Physiology and Pharmaco
Programs lead to M.A. and Ph.D. degrees.
University of South Florida Physiology and Biophys
Part of the College of Medicine's Biomedical Sciences program. Offers a course of study leading to a Ph.D. degree.
University of Southern California School of Medici
Department of Physiology and Biophysics offers a program leading to a Ph.D. degree.
University of Tennessee Health Science Center Phys
Graduate Program in Molecular, Cellular and Systems Physiology leads to a Masters or Ph.D. for students seeking careers as independent investigators and teachers in Physiology and related fields.
University of Texas Health Science Center at San A
Offers studies leading to M.S. or Ph.D. degrees in physiology. There is a special program leading to a Master of Science degree for K-12 teachers.
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Ph
Program leads to a Ph.D. degree. Many links to program information are provided.
University of Texas Southwestern Integrative Biolo
Cross-disciplinary program offers Ph.D. degree. Descriptions of faculty research interests and programs are linked.
University of Vermont Molecular Physiology and Bio
Overviews of the department, courses (including calendars), research, programs and faculty.
University of Washington Physiology & Biophysi
The aim of our graduate program is to train doctoral students for research careers in physiology and biophysics.
University of Wisconsin - Madison Physiology
Course and faculty web sites, with an overview of the doctoral program, seminars, staff, news, and undergraduate courses.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Program in Physi
Links for the graduate program, faculty research interests, and resources on campus and the internet for physiological research.
Wake Forest University Physiology and Pharmacology
The Department of Physiology/Pharmacology offers the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology through the Graduate School of Wake Forest University.
Washington University in St. Louis Cell Biology an
Information about teaching, faculty, and research programs.
Wayne State University Graduate Program in Physiol
Programs are offered leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in physiology. Combined M.D./Ph.D. and interdisciplinary degree programs are also available.
West Virginia University Program in Physiology
Graduate programs in cardiovascular, renal, endocrine, neurosciences, and pulmonary physiology.
Yeshiva University Physiology and Biophysics
A Ph.D. degree program is described. Links to faculty research interests and program information are included.