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American Museum of Natural History Entomology Depa
Information about staff, publications, and research projects.
Arizona Research Laboratories Center for Insect Sc
Fosters collaborative research and education on a broad array of topics dealing with insect science.
CSIRO Entomology
Branch of the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization researching insects and their management.
Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum,
An international center for the study of insect and arachnid systematics, taxonomy, identification, and comparative biology.
Entomology at Colorado State University
Includes entomological meetings and events, positions available, links, publications, and images.
Florida A&M University Entomology
Information about entomological research and teaching.
Hanks Insect Ecology Lab
Research group at the Department of Entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, that studies ecological interrelationships between plants, herbivorous insects, and their natural enemies in ecosystems dominated by humans.
Iowa State University Entomology Site
Large index of Entomology resources on the Internet, as well as an Image Gallery and live chat room.
Kansas State Entomology
Details of entomological research, extension, and teaching activities at Kansas State University.
North Carolina State University Department of Ento
Includes extensive information for the public, such as notes on insect pests, photo gallery, compendium of insect Orders, and programs.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Ent
Extensive information on research collections at the museum.
University of Nebraska Department of Entomology
Includes faculty and specialist listings, course listings, fun entomology sites, IPM recommendations, distance masters degree information, upcoming entomological events, and insect images.
University of Queensland Entomology
Information about researchers and research, students and programs, insect collection, and remote courses.