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Products and Services, Chitin and Chitosan, ExPASy: GlycoMod Tool, Proteoglycans
Associations, Products and Services, Research Groups, EMBL: IEP, HLA-DR Peptide Binding, ISIS, Molecular Clocks: Deamidation of Asparaginyl and G, PenBase, Peptaibol, PeptideMass
Products and Services
Contract Services, Instruments, Testing Services, Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., ChiroBlock, Ltd., Galab Technologies GmbH., Macrocyclics, Synthon Chiragenics Corp., Tocris Cookson Ltd.
Research Groups
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: Institute for , Bioanalytical Chemistry Research, Biomedical Spectroscopy at Robert-Koch-Institute, Börsch, Dr. Michael, Kennedy Group, Kopelman Laboratory, Laboratory for Bioanalytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis Group
Water Structure and Behavior
The importance of water in determining the 3D structure of biomolecules, polysaccharide hydration, and glycosylated proteins and nucleotides. Maintained at the School of Applied Science, South Bank University, London, UK.