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Products and Services
Instruments, Supplies, Bay Scientific, Chiralizer Services LLC., Chromatography Institute of America, Chromatography Technology Services Corp., Confluent Sciences Consulting, ESA. Inc., G and T SepTech AS, LC Resources Inc., Separation Science Associates, TechniKrom
ADS-Limathon Limited, Cytronix Ltd., OSIRIS
Analytical Chemistry Pages
Presents online HPLC textbook, related links and courses at Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey.
HPLC Troubleshhooter
Resource primarily for troubleshooting in HPLC, with slide show on the factors to consider when transfering methods to LC-MS, from Caparica, Portugal.
HPLC web
Categorized links to educational resources, meetings, news, services and supplies, including columns and equipment from the USA.
Ion Exchange Chromatography
Basic principles of IEC from Texas A&M University.
Lab Alliance: Components of the HPLC System
Resources for applications and equipment, chemical ion, gradient, isocratic analytical, with links to GC, capillary electrophoresis, and chromatographic techniques from supplier in State College, Pennsylvania.
Levin, Shulamit
HPLC, LC-MS and FTIR articles, presentations, links and personal pages from Israel.
PREP Symposia
International symposium, exhibition and workshops on ion exchange, adsorption/desorption processes and related separation techniques at Baltimore, Maryland.