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ChemicalElements.com: Mercury
Basic information, atomic structure, and isotopes.
EnvironmentalChemistry.com: Mercury : Nuclides
Extensive information on the nuclides of mercury, including potential parent nuclides.
It's Elemental: Mercury
Basic physical and historical information.
LANL: Mercury
Basic information, history, and uses.
Lenntech: Mercury
Physical data, chemical properties, health and environmental effects.
Data tables and historic information.
A very brief description of Mercury, with a good diagram of its electron orbitals.
Mercury and Methylmercury by IC-ICPMS
Analysis of biological, pharmaceutical, and environmental samples for methylmercury and mercury.
Mercury in Space
Answers the question of what happens to Mercury in space.
Mercury in the Laboratory
Practical considerations when working with mercury in the laboratory.
Mercury, Get Mad Now, Not Later
Gives a description of mercury, as well as its uses and environmental and health hazards associated with it.
OUTFO: Mercury
Provides a concise data table about the chemical properties of mercury.
Radiochemistry of Mercury
Full text of the monograph by Josef Roesmer (Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). [PDF]
Sandia National Laboratories : Mercury
Information about mass of isotopes of mercury. Also information on analyzing it, such as Heavy Ion BackScattering and Rutherford BackScattering.
USGS Minerals Information: Mercury
Statistics and information on the worldwide supply, demand, and flow of the element (PDF format).
Vermont Legislative Research Shop - Mercury Inform
Features basic information about Mercury, as well as its harmful effects and legislation concerning Mercury in some American States.
Visual Elements: Mercury
Image, general and physical information, source, uses, key isotopes, and ionisation energies.
WebElements: Mercury
Contains extensive information about Mercury, as well as pictures and videos that show its physical appearance and how it reacts with certain chemicals.
Why is Mercury liquid at room temperature?
Explores the question of why Mercury is liquid at room temperature. It also provides some links to other sites regarding this chemistry quandary.
Why Worry About Mercury : Chemical Properties
Gives some chemical properties of mercury, as well as hazard precautions when dealing with mercury.
Wikipedia: Mercury
Properties of the element, including its history, applications, and characteristics.