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3D Crystal Lattice Images
Stereoimages of inorganic lattice types.
Crystallography 101
An Introductory Course by Bernhard Rupp. Answers in detail the questions 1. What is X-ray Crystallography? and 2. Why Crystallography?
Structure of the atom.
Hydride complexes
Part of the 'The Organometallic HyperTextBook'. Hydride complexes contain a metal-hydrogen bond, but are not necessarily hydridic in nature. By Rob Toreki, University of Kentucky, USA.
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education introduction to atomic structure.
Learning Network
An encyclopedia style entry for "structure of the atom."
Purdue Chemical Education
Structure of the atom including examples.
QuasiTiler 3.0
Interactive site that draws Penrose tilings and their generalizations.
Structure of Inorganic Solids
Lectures on Inorganic Crystal Structures.
The Structure of the Atom by Ernest Rutherford
[Reprint] Follow-up to his landmark 1911 paper.
VSEPR table
Table of VSEPR structures with animated image rotation.
Watertown High School Atomic Structure Timeline
Timeline for the development of atomic structure. Democritus (<1704) to Fermi (1950s+.)
Working out the Structure of the Atom
A summary of the foundations for our understanding of atomic structure.