english deutsch
A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos Nat
[Very basic data, detailed write-ups] The Chemical Science and Technology division's Periodic Table describes the history, properties, resources, uses, isotopes, forms, costs, and other information for each element.
ChemicalElements.com: Online Periodic Table
[Basic data, limited write-ups] Provides information on the 109 named elements plus elements 110 - 112.
Chemicool Periodic Table
[Detailed information on each element, no write-ups]
Chemistry / Periodic table Quiz
Millionaire type periodic table quiz. Has a link to other science quizzes.
Chemistry.org Periodic Table from the American Che
[Comprehensive] Interactive periodic table which includes enthalpy of fusion, vaporisation and molar heat capacity. Diagrams of electronic configurations and data graphs.
David's Whizzy Periodic Table
Applet-based table with visualizations of the electron shell model, the nucleus, the visual emission spectrum, and energy levels of the electrons. Also has interesting facts about each element represented.
DreamWave Periodic Table of the Elements
An interactive javascripted periodic table, which contains basic element properties.
eFunda: Periodic Table
[Basic data] Interactive periodic table. Includes electrical resistivity, vaporization enthalpy and heat capacity.
Elementymology and Elements Multidictionary
Explains the origins of the names of the chemical elements and lists element names in scores of languages.
Engineers Edge
[Basic] Simple periodic table of elements.
EnvironmentalChemistry.com: Periodic Table of Elem
[Very comprehensive data, write-ups, extensive listing of nuclides] Data on elements includes scores of properties, element names in a dozen languages and almost all known nuclides. Environmental chemistry articles round out site.
Exploring the Table of Isotopes
[Nuclide data only, extensive listing of nuclides] Provides isotope data for almost all known nuclides. From Berkeley Laboratory.
Extended Periodic Table
[Very basic data] Predicted periodic table for undiscovered elements with atomic number greater than 118. Theoretical discussion and Orbital freeware available.
Fast Periodic Table
[Basic data] Interactive periodic table. Including uses and discovery.
Gordon England's Periodic Table of the Elemen
[Detailed data]
Infoplease.com: Periodic Table
An interactive periodic table with information about each element including the symbol, boiling point, melting point, discoverer and origin.
Interactive Periodic Table
[Basic] An interactive period chart of the elements.
Interactive Periodic Table
[Comprehensive] Periodic table which includes atomic numbers and masses, bowling and melting points, crystal structures and detailed element descriptions.
Interactive Periodic Table and Data tables
[Very basic data, requires Javascript] Interactive table with pictures of the elements.
It's Elemental - The Periodic Table of Elemen
[Detailed data] Interactive periodic table. Including melting point, density, element history and crustal and oceanic abundance.
Lenntech Periodic table
Interactive periodic table. Containing physical data, chemical properties and health and environmental effects. Available in five languages.
Model Periodic Table - Model Science Software
[Basic data] Interactive periodic table by Model Science Software. Available in English and Spanish, web based, Windows and Mac versions. Includes customizable quiz features.
NIST Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the
[Basic] Periodic table includes ground-state electron configuration, ground-state level, ionization energy, state and frequently used fundamental physical constants.
On-line The Periodic Table of Elements
[Basic data, requires JavaScript] Includes historical information about the elements in Italian, but the table itself is in English.
Periodic Table
History and structure explanation of standard periodic table.
Periodic Table
[Detailed data] American Chemical Society's periodic table with visual electronic configurations and interactive plots of physical and chemical properties. Requires Flash.
Periodic Table ADventure
[No data] Includes the history of the periodic table and information on the structure of atoms and the periodic table.
Periodic Table of Elements
[Basic data] Chemistrydata.com offers very basic information about elements in a searchable format. Includes a printable periodic table.
Periodic Table of Elements
[Detailed] Includes general information about an element, atomic number and weight, shells and filling orbital, melting and boiling point, covalent and atomic radius, and lots of other parameters.
Periodic Table of Elements
This site provides periodic tables complete with atomic number, symbol, name and atomic mass, all in one page. The periodic tables are in PDF format.
Periodic Table of Parameters
[Basic] This table lists and describes some well documented and validated parameter sets available for modeling each element by Molecular Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics molecular modeling methods.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Basic data, includes printable version] Information on each of the chemical elements and data on their properties. Some site information is only in Czech language.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Very basic data] Includes printable version.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Very Comprehensive data] Interactive periodic table. Includes additional information on ionisation energies, abundance, isotopes and reduction potentials.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Very comprehensive data] Available in many languages. Interactive periodic table that includes information on compounds, appearances and nuclear, physical and electronic properties. Needs Flash.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Very basic data] Includes oxidation states and electronegativity.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Basic data]Interactive periodic table of the elements
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Basic data] Interactive element data. Geared towards refractory materials which are covered in great detail.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Basic data] Interactive periodic table.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Basic data] Simple click on periodic table. Includes electrical conductivity and ionization energies.
Periodic Table of the Elements
[Basic data] Interactive periodic table of the elements, additional information on heat of vaporization, heat of fusion and specific heat.
Periodic Table of the Elements with Calculators
Features a molecular mass calculator. Data includes spectroscopic terms and Xcore. [Requires JavaScript]
Printable Periodic Table
[Very basic data, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader] PDF of the Periodic Table arranged in different formats. Files only contain elements' symbols, names and atomic number.
Printable Periodic Table
[Very basic data] Minimalist table that provides symbols, atomic numbers, and atomic weight with four significant figures.
Prof Mokeup - Interactive Periodic Table of the El
[Basic data] Interactive version of the periodic table with pictures of elements. Includes a printable version.
Proton Don - Funbrain Periodic Table Game
A fun way for youngsters to learn the periodic table. Includes learning by symbol or by name.
PTE Periodic Table of the Elements
[Very basic data, includes writeups, Requires Javascript]
Quiz Hub: Element Symbol Quiz
[Basic data] Quiz that involves remembering symbols. Includes copy of periodic table with data.
Science-Park's Periodic Table of the Elements
[Detailed data] Interactive periodic table including boiling and melting point, discovery, thermal conductivity and density. Nice section where you can put the elements in order of their conductivity, melting point and other properties.
Science: Periodic Table from tcaep.co.uk
[Detailed data] Interactive periodic table. Includes electronegativity, density, conductivity and molar volumes.
Table of Periodic Properties of the Elements
[Detailed data] Shows two alternate versions of the periodic table. Element data is found under group sections. Includes radii, conductivity, enthalpy changes and oxidation state.
Table of the Nuclides
[Nuclide data only, very extensive listing of nuclides] Map of all known nuclides, with their atomic mass, radioactive decay modes and half-lives, and related information. Brookhaven National Laboratory.
The 'Periodic Table' Table
[Basic data] Based on a wooden 'periodic table' table. Contains photographs of over 200 element samples, with descriptions, experiments, and stories about many of them. Winner of the 2002 Ig Nobel prize in Chemistry.
The Atomflowers of the Periodic Table.
[Basic data] Atomflowers growth when atoms are build up with their s, p, d and f orbitals according to the rules of the Periodic Table.
The Extended Periodic Table Of The Elements
[No elemental data] Alternate versions of the extended periodic table. Include information on symmetry and electronic configurations.
The Periodic Table
A printable periodic table. PDF format.
The Periodic Table
Provides information about Dimitri Mendeleev's Periodic table of elements and their Atomic Numbers.
The Periodic Table Challenge
[No element data] An auto-scored blank periodic table. The user fills it in online and the score is returned automatically.
The Periodic Table of Element
[Basic data] Interactive periodic table including data on element uses and their discovery. Shows element composition of 16 minerals, including quartz and calcite.
The Pictorial Periodic Table
[Basic data, very basic writeups, some pictures] Includes a printable periodic table, a cross-referenced list of nuclides, alternate styles, history, references, and many links to periodic table resources on the web.
Visual Elements
[Detailed data, write-ups, basic listing of nuclides] The Royal Society of Chemistry's (in the UK) contribution to chemistry on the web.
VRML Periodic Table
[Very basic date, requires VRML] Visual representations of the Bohr model of the atom in 3D.
[Very comprehensive, includes very detailed write ups, basic nuclide data, extensive graphics] Professional scientists and students at school will all find something useful. Includes thousands of images relating to periodicity and structure.
X-Ray Properties of the Elements
[X-ray properties only] X-ray properties of most of the elements.
YOGI's Periodic Table of the Elements
[Basic data] Information includes nuclides.Interactive periodic table.