english deutsch
Caves and Karst
Karst Hazards, 3-D Modeling of Phreatic Karst Caves, Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association, British Cave Research Association, Bulletin Bibliographique Speleologique, Canadian Karst Resources and Issues, Cave and Karst Science, Cave and Karst Terminology, Cave Gate Airflow Disturbance, Cave Research Foundation, Center for Cave and Karst Studies
Education, Products and Services, Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nouri, Beach Erosion Control, CfA Space Geodesy Group, Coastal and Nearshore Erosion, Coastal Morphology and the Shoreline of Puerto Ric, Coastal Operations Institute, Coastal Research Laboratory, Coasts and Marine, Coping with Beach Erosion, Sediment Transport of an Estuary
Glacial Geomorphology
Balnagask Headland, Cairngorm Landscapes, Drumlins and subglacial meltwater floods, Glacial Deposition And Depositional Landforms, Glacial Geology and Geomorphology, Glacial Geology at the University of Cincinnati, Sedimentary evidence favouring the formation of Ro, USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Impact Craters
A 'Smoking Gun' for Dinosaur Extinction, Astronomy Picture of the Day - Barringer Crater on, Astronomy Picture of the Day - Impact: 65 Million , Astronomy Picture of the Day - Manicouagan Impact , Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Program, Crater, Earth Impact Database, Geology 376 - 2001 Field Trip, ICE 2002 - Iturralde Crater Expedition, Impact Craters of the Earth
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Landform Analysis, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, Theoretical and Applied Karstology
Association of Polish Geomorphologists, British Geomorphological Research Group, Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, Geomorphology Specialty Group of the Association o, International Association of Geomorphologists, International Erosion Control Association: Pacific
Soil Erosion
Applications of Caesium-137 in Soil Erosion and Se, Emergence and Erosion: a Model for Rill Initiation, Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology, Catholi, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, Rainfall erosion processes and prediction, Sediment Database of the U.S. Geological Survey (U, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Soil Erosion and Global Change: COST Action 623, Soil Erosion and WEPP Technology, Soil Erosion Network of GCTE (Global Change and Te
A Survey of Quaternary Terrace Formations in the C
Fluvial, lacustrine, and coastal terraces.
Berkeley Geomorphology Group
Information about faculty, courses, research, and publications at this University of California campus.
Canadian Landscapes
Collection of photos of Canadian Landscapes and landforms is presented to illustrate the great diversity of Canadian scenery. Brief geological explanations provide insight on how the features developed. The photos were taken by scientists of the Geological Survey of Canada during the last 30 years.
Carolina Bays
Investigation into the possible origin of these enigmatic wetland depressions scattered across the Eastern U.S. coastal plain from southern New Jersey to northern Florida.
Deserts: Geology and Resources
USGS online book, written for a general audience. Covers desert climates, desert landforms, sand dunes and aeolian processes, evaporite mineral deposits, and related topics.
Earth Surface Systems Research Group
Research activities at the University of Durham. Transport of sediment and solutes, mechanical and chemical properties and behavior of earth materials, analysis and modeling of landforms.
Geomorfologia dynamiczna / Dynamic geomorphology
Part of "The Virtual Geomorphology"
Geomorphological Processes
Terrain Classification System For British Columbia.
Geomorphology from Space
Online textbook of geomorphology, featuring images of the landforms of the world, as seen from space. (From NASA)
Geomorphology Home Page, University of Virginia
Information and research on fluvial geomorphology and landform evolution on Mars.
Is Geomorphology within Geography or Geology?
Extended discussion of the question whether geomorphology is a subdiscipline of geology or of physical geography.
John F. Orwin Research Pages
Academic research pages for John F. Orwin with alpine geomorphology links, details of research and images of mountain landscapes from around the globe.
Landforms of the World
Educational site about earth landforms.
Mystery of Pothole Origins
Photo essay on potholes of the Niagara Escarpment. Links to other sites on potholes.
Origins of Niagara Falls - A Geological History
How bedrock geology and glacial meltwater interacted to form an impressive waterfall.
Pediment Formation in the Mojave Desert of Califor
Short article describing the process of formation.
Selected Geomorphological Features in Austria and
Short discussions of several glacial and fluvial landforms.
Terrain Sciences Division Main Page
Terrain Sciences Division, Geological Survey of Canada.
The Missoula Floods
Oregon Public Broadcasting site with information, video, and links about flooding from Glacial Lake Missoula, which formed the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington State and shaped the landscape of the U.S. Pacific Northwest.
The Virtual Geomorphology
Electronic textbook assembled from links to on-line resources. Languages: English, Polish.
Tropical Geomorphology Newsletter
biannual bulletin for scholars concerned with geomorphic processes and landscapes in the tropics