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Australian Governments Geoscience Portal
Access to geoscience (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, resource exploration, database) information from Australian governments at state and federal levels.
Department of Mines and Energy, Queensland, Austra
Minerals and energy information, services and products from the State Government including geology, data, land access, tenures, exploration, surveys, infrastructure and project facilitation.
Geoscience Australia
Australia's national geological survey. It carries out geoscientific research to encourage increased investment in Australia's minerals and petroleum industries; and to improve the management of natural hazards such as landslides and earthquakes.
New Zealand
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences
Papua New Guinea Department of Mining ~ (PNG DoM)
Details of the PNG Department of Mining, and subsidary national Geological Survey. Information on the seismic events in the region and planning information for those considering prospecting or mining in the region.