english deutsch
Advanced Basin Chemical Modeling, Inc., Applied Petroleum Technology, Argo Geological Consultants, Blackbourn Geoconsulting, Carbonate Research Consulting Inc., Cerberus Consultants, CSA Group, Davis-Namson Consulting Geologists, Dawson Geophysical Company, Don Hallett, PhD
Geophysical Exploration
Earth Measurement Corp., Electro-Seise, Inc., ExplorTech, Fairfield Industries Incorporated, G.A. Ryzhikov and M.S. Biryulina, Consultants, Getech, Gibson Consulting, Input Output, Inc., Interactive Interpretation & Training, Inc., JGI, Inc.
Journals and Magazines
IAEE Newsletter, Nafta journal, Nickle's Daily Oil Bulletin, Nickle's New Technology Magazine, Petroleum Economist Ltd., PTTC Newsletter
Professional Organizations
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bienvenidos al Instituto Petroquímico Argentino, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Minerals and Geotechnical Logging Society, Petroleum Exploration Association of New Zealand I, PGK - Petroleum Geological Circle, SCAWeb: The Society of Core Analysts, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Society of Professional Well Log Analysts
Testing Laboratories
Colorado School of Mines Center for Rock Abuse, Geochem Group Limited, GeoPetrographics, K/T GeoServices, Inc., Petroleum & Aqueous Inclusion Research, Petrology World-Wide, Stable Isotope Analysis from Iso-Analytical
Training and Technology Transfer
Australian Cooperative Research Centre, Australian Resources Research Centre, Delaware Project, EarthView Associates, Inc., Edinburgh Anisotropy Project, Hugh W. Reid & Associates Ltd., IFP Institut français du pétrole, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustib, Michigan Basin Petroleum Technology Transfer Counc, National Centre for Petroleum Geology and Geophysi
Marine Geology and Geophysics
Interpretation of 3-D seismics reveal glacial geomorphology, palaeo ice-flow directions, glacioteconics and carbonate build-ups in the south-western Barents Sea.
Petroleum Studies in Geology and Geophysics at Tex
Facilities, education, and research activities in applications of tectonophysics, stratigraphy, geochemistry, and seismic data processing.
Origin of Usenet list: why it was established and the companies involved.
The Gas Hydrate Database
Assembles data from disparate datasets related to gas hydrates within several disciplines. Offers project background, data entry instructions, and contents descriptions.