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Collectors and Amateur Interests
Regional Federations, Amateur Geologists' Web-Ring, Calgary Rock and Lapidary Club, Charlotte Gem and Mineral Club, Chicago Rocks & Minerals Society (CRMS), Convair Rockhound Association, Dallas Gem and Mineral Society, Del Air Rockhounds, Inc., Echuca Gem Club, Fallbrook Gem and Mineral Society, Farnham Geological Society
French Association of Micromineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, SGA
Academy of Mineralogy
Hopes to gather enthusiasts of minerals, fossils and gemstones.
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Composed of seven similar regional organizations of gem, mineral, and lapidary societies.
Bulgarian Mineralogical Society
Official site of the Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (BMS)
California Federation of Mineralogical Societies M
Contact details for the Societies' Rock Clubs.
Columbia-Willamette Faceters Guild
A nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of the art of faceting gemstones. Beginning and advanced Gem Faceting classes offered.
Eastern Federation of Mineralogical & Lapidary
Official site - for information on upcoming events and other announcements.
Fluorescent Mineral Society
"A nonprofit international organization of professional mineralogists, gemologists, amateur collectors, and others who study or collect fluorescent minerals."
Gem, Lapidary & Mineral Society of Montgomery
A non-profit educational organization. Aims to increase knowledge and popular interest in earth sciences, geology, mineralogy, paleontology (Fossils), lapidary arts, and related subjects.
Gems, Minerals & Fossils
WebRing of sites that have to do with anything about Gems, Minerals, and/or Fossils.
Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
Georgia's Oldest Gem and Mineral Society - Founded in 1935. A volunteer organization dedicated to educating the youth of the state and the members of this Society in the field of Earth Sciences.
International Gem Society
Dedicated to bringing quality information and educational services to everyone interested in gemstones.
Mineralogical Society
Society for the advancement of mineralogy and its application to crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, environmental science and economic geology through support of meetings and publication of books, journals and monographs.
Mineralogical Society of Arizona
Society aimed at promoting popular interest in the various Earth Sciences, and particularly the fields of geology, lapidary, mineralogy paleontology.
Minerals UK
Information on mineral exploration, mining, production and trade from the British Geological Survey Minerals Group.
Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Rockhound Association
Northwest Opal Association
Society of people interested in opals, based in Tukwila, Washington.
Paradise Gem & Mineral Club
Aims to promote and advance the appreciation of rocks and minerals. Based Paradise CA.
South Central Federation Of Mineral Societies
Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies In
Established in 1976 to bring about a closer association of Clubs and Societies devoted to the study of Earth Sciences and the practice of Lapidary Arts and Crafts in the Southeast part of the United States.
Southern Appalachian Mineral Society
Asheville, North Carolina's mineral collecting club with monthly meetings, and field trips.
Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group
Notices of meetings & events of interest to geoscientists and those involved in mineral exploration. Links to related Australian and international sites
The Australian Mineral Collector
The Ventura Gem & Mineral Society, Inc.
Sponsors of the California Federation of Minerological Societies (CFMS) 1997 Show.
WA Department of Natural Resources
DNR manages more than 5 million acres of state-owned lands including forests, agricultural lands and submerged aquatic lands.
Washington Agate and Mineral Society (WAMS)
Club established in 1937. Members share common interest in rocks, minerals and activities such as collecting and jewelry making.
Washington State Mineral Council
organization dedicated to the location and conservation of rock and mineral sites of interest to the rockhounds of Washington state.
Willamette Agate & Mineral Society, Inc. (WAMS
Non-profit organization to stimulate interest in the study and collection of agates, minerals, gems and fossils, and support lapidary work, education, scientific study of natural earth sciences.