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APR Weather
Convective Development's comprehensive site for storm chasers and weather enthusiasts, includes "AlertMe" -- downloadable software that warns instantly of warnings, watches and advisories.
Australia Severe Weather
Weather photography with over 4,200 weather photos catalogued, tropical cyclones and maps, storm chasing, tornado, flood and thunderstorms reports, and weather observations.
Australian Thunderbolt Tours
Australian Storm Chaser Tours - thunderbolt tours, storm tours in Australia and United States Tornado Alley lead by experienced storm chasers. Chase supercells, hailstorms, lightning and tornadoes.
Chaseone Storm Chase Page
Chase accounts and images from Bobby Eddins. Storm chasing links and information.
Cloud 9 Tours
Join experienced storm chasers for two weeks of chasing down the best storms in the world.
Cyclone Storm Chasing Tours
Storm chasing tours in "Tornado Alley." Information on past chases, upcoming schedule, and the chase team.
F5 Tornado Chasing Safaris
Tornado chasing safaris in the plains.
Florida Keys Waterspout Tours
Take a tour in Paradise as we chase waterspouts, thunderstorms, lightning, and sunsets. Join us during this 10 day tropical adventure!
Illinois Storms Cafe Store
Items for sale with the Illinoisstorms.com logo, including shirts, shorts, caps and mugs.
Positive Flash Photography
Order prints of various weather occurrences. Chose from tornados, sunsets, clouds, lightning and cityscapes.
Silver Lining Tours
Operates Tornado chasing tours: includes storm logs; photographs and videos.
Storm Chaser
Professional storm chaser Warren Faidley's links, data and media information concerning severe weather and storm chasing.
Storm Chasing Adventure Tours
Tours from Oklahoma and Colorado: includes description of equipment and guides.
Striking Images' Lightning Photography
Striking Images' photographers are addicted to lightning! We have chased storms for over twenty years and our collection is one of the finest in the world. Enormous effort has been expended to capture lightning in a wide variety of settings. We stock over 80,000 images.
Swift WX
Track your position over any weather map using GPS and monitor severe weather in real-time. Extensive, up-to-date radar and severe weather warning information.
Tempest Tours Storm Expeditions
Tour profiles of rides with veteran storm chasers tracking nature's most spectacular weather.
The Storm Shop
Offers stormchasing books, photos, and videos (including the Skywarn training series)
The Tornado Project Online!
The Tornado Project is a small company that researches, compiles, and makes tornado information available to tornado and severe weather enthusiasts and the meteorological community.
Torando Alley Tour
Storm chasing tours in tornado alley.
Tornado Alley Safari Storm ChaseTours
Join us on our interceptions of stunning lightning shows, mystifying thunderheads and tornadoes. Featured on Hardcopy, National Geographic and in a variety of international publications since 1996.
Tornado Chase Day
A weather photography and stock image site, which includes images and stories about tornadoes and weather subjects.
Tornado Express Tours
Storm chasing in the Great Plains- Offering 6 and 10 day professional tornado chasing vacations in the Great Plains and Tornado Alley from April through July.
Tornado Tours UK
Tornado Tours UK offers two week tours to the Midwest, USA to experience the awesome power of tornadoes and severe storms. Great for weather enthusiasts.
Tornado Videos
Large collection of storm chase tornado videos including hurricanes and other severe weather events.
T-shirts and videos about tornado chasing for sale. Also includes a free severe weather "picture of the week" and education.
Tradd Storm Chasing Tours
Offering storm chase tours since 1995. Includes chasing FAQs, photos, tour details, online booking, and a learning area.
Twister Videos
Provides information and resources for those interested in tornadoes and also offers exclusive tornado footage for sale.
Upper Midwest Chase Tours
Upper Midwest Chase Tours provides 1 day storm chasing vacations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota, and North Dakota.
Violent Skies, Inc.
Violent weather expeditions in Tornado Alley. Join a storm chasing trips and help search for the elusive tornado. Trip details, equipment used, and related news.
Weather DVDs
Tornado and storm chasing DVDs from leading chasers.
Weatherstock Inc.
Weatherstock, Inc. maintains the world's largest collection of weather images, video and film. Includes images from professional storm chaser Warren Faidley.