english deutsch
A Theory of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in
A formal paper by Masahiko Isobe for the Department of Civil Engineering University of Tokyo.
Abstracts from the Journal of the Meteorological S
English language abtracts of professional papers, most of which concern typhoons and their aftermath.
Brisbane Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre
Official Australian Weather Bureau site.
Central Pacific Hurricane Center
Co-located in the National Weather Service Honolulu Forecast Office, the CPHC issues all official tropical cyclone warnings, watches, advisories, discussions, and statements for tropical cyclones in the Central Pacific from 140 degrees west longitude to the International Dateline. Includes current and archived data and satellite images.
Climate Group Experimental Results
Experimental climate research by Australia's Bureau of Meteorology Center.
Digital Typhoon
Search more than 40,000 past typhoon images by date, name, location, and cloud patterns. Also provides latest typhoon information.
Eastern North Pacific Satellite Derived Winds
Central source for data and enhanced satellite images for current and archived storms in the Eastern Pacific region, with internal links to other Pacific regions.
Information on Tropical Cyclones
Official site of the Hong Kong Observatory, in English and Mandarin. Warning services, storm tracking, forecasts, and descriptions of the effects on people, the economy, public health, and social effects. With an archive of famous storms of the past.
International Research Institute Climate Data Libr
A cooperative program of the NOAA's Office of Global Programs, Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,and the University of California - San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Meteorological Society of Japan
Containing abstracts of professional papers, in Japanese. An English language mirror site is under construction.
Refereed publications on Pacific and Indian ocean hurricane phenomena from the University of Hawaii's Meteorology Department (1985-Present)
Statistical Hurricane Forecasts
"Improvements in Seasonal Hurricane Forecasting Technology," a paper discussing El Nino and typhoon forecasting presented by Dr. Mark Johnson of the University of Alaska at the 1995 Hurricane Statistics Workshop in Bermuda.
Super Typhoon Paka's Surface Winds Over Guam
A comprehensive study of the surface winds over Guam during Typhoon Paka (1997).
Taifuu: Typhoon Research Department
Pages describe the Typhoon Research Department, part of the Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency. In English and Japanese.
U.S. National Weather Service Forecast Office, Tiy
Public site covering an extensive area of the Pacific Ocean from 130º E to 175º E and from the equator to 20º N. This ocean area includes the Mariana Islands, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands. The office issues tropical storm warnings and local forecasts for the islands and surrounding waters. With current and archived textual data, tracking info, and satellite images.
Western North Pacific Satellite Derived Winds
Central source for wind data and enhanced satellite images of current and archived storms in the Western Pacific. With internal links to other Pacific basin regions.