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Ball Lightning
Artificial, 130 Ball Lightning Links, Archive of Ball Lightning reports, Atmospheric Electricity HomePage, Ball Lighntning, Ball Lightning, Ball Lightning bibliography, Ball Lightning Discussion, Ball Lightning Discussion - Chukanov Energy, Inc., Does Ball Lightning Really Exist?, Eddy Current Model of Ball Lightning
Australian Lightning Photography, Aztecs Lightning Photography, Creative Lightning Postcards, Electric Desert, Flash Lightning, Lightning, Lightning by Stormguy, Lightning Photography, Lightning Stalker, Lightning Wizard - photography of weather phenomen
Sprites and Jets
Conjugate Sprites Project, ELF/VLF Radio Atmospherics and Sprites, NMT Sprite Research, Optical Measurements, VLF Group, Red Sprites And Blue Jets, Sprite Research at Yucca Ridge
All You Need to Know About Lightning
Detailed information, photographs and video of lightning, thunder, sprites, elves, blue jets, and myths and mythology.
Van der Heide, Dutch manufacturer and system integrator of lightning protection and location equipment and related services. Offers online services for the Benelux region including lightning display, notification, analysis.
Boltek Lightning Detectors
Boltek StormTracker and LD-250 Lightning Detectors display lightning strikes live on a map of your area. Can detect and track thunderstorms up to 300 miles away, right from your personal computer.
Colorado Lightning Resource Center
Resource for lightning information for the state of Colorado. Knowing more about lightning, its causes, and some basic safety rules can help you and your family avoid needless exposure to the dangers of lightning. NOAA (government site)
EUCLID: European Cooperation for Lightning Detecti
Information and links to lightning detection networks across Europe. View real-time maps of lightning activity in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Norway, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Slovenia.
Florida Media Communications LIVE Lightning Tracke
Real-Time Lightning Detector - 300 mile radius From Tampa Florida.
Global Atmospherics Lightning Detection
Global Atmospherics provides lightning and thunder storm detection equipment and services worldwide.
Infography about Lightning
Sources recommended by a professor who specializes in the study of lightning.
Information Please: Lightning
A short brief on lightning lore, statistics, and safety tips.
Lightning and Atmospheric Electricity at the GHCC
Lightning and Atmospheric Electricity at the GHCC (NASA). Learn about LIS, OTD, LMS, and other space based lightning detection instruments designed, built, and maintained by the Lightning Team.
Lightning Information Center
National Weather Service, Melbourne, Florida. A resource of lightning information for east-central Florida.
Lightning Links
Links to relevant news articles and other sites on lightning, photos, lightning variations, fulgerites, lightning victims, books, and research sites. An extensive and useful compilation.
Lightning Prevention Systems
Manufactures and installs static dissipation systems: Grounding, surge protectors, and site inspections. Lightning protection for homes, buildings, towers, factories, petro facilities, and boats. Includes educational lightning section.
Lightning Protection Institute
The Lightning Protection Institute is a nationwide not-for-profit organization and provides information on lightning safety and lightning protection systems for commercial and residential structures.
Lightning Strikes
Storm chasing information, weather photographs, recorded sounds, free desktop theme and screensaver, and links.
Lightning: The Shocking Story
The science and the stories behind the bolts that strike our earth a hundred times every second. National Geographic report on lightning.
Los Alamos Sferic Array for Lightning Studies
Lightning research using a ground-based array of low- frequency lightning electric field sensors. One data "product" is a daily map of lightning of a large portion of the contiguous United States.
Lyncole Industries, Inc.
Designs, manufactures, and installs the originally patented XIT Grounding System. Some good information here on grounding for lightning protection.
National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI)
National Lightning Safety Institute performs Consulting, Education, and Research relating to lightning hazard mitigation. Lightning exhibits random and unpredictable behavior. By adopting a proactive defense, safety levels can be improved and harmful consequences from the effects of lightning can be reduced.
PolyPhaser units divert lightning and surge damage
Manufactures specialized and high-tech lightning arrestors for power lines and antennas. Many downloadable PDF information sheets on protection and safety.
Savage Planet: Deadly Skies - How Lightning Forms
A Channel Thirteen presentation shows how lightning is formed and research with triggered lightning. The animation "A Cloud-to-Ground Strike" provides a clear basic understanding. There is access to other phenomena on this "Savage Planet" plus lightning links
Sept. 11 Close Lightning Strike
Rare lightning bolt caught on film on September 11, 2002. Contains pictures and an MPEG video for one of the oddest lightning bolts caught on film.
The Weather Stop
Current "as it happens" Lightning data from The Weather Stop.
Unisys Weather: RCM Radar Images
A wide variety of real time weather maps. This web site contains thousands of weather related images. As a result, links to these images are grouped by data type, image type and region.
USA Today - Lightning information index
Lightning information index. Lightning creates thunder. By definition, a thunderstorm has thunder, which means it has lightning even if you don`t see it. How lightning reaches the ground.
Weather Web
The Resource for Weather in the Net: Lightning Network. Live Lightning maps, data, and photographs.
West Virginia Lightning
A compilation of a variety of educational resources, photos and sounds on lightning for all ages. Some excellent original photos.
whethernut's homepage
Weather site that includes lightning pictures, weather related pictures, favorite weather links, weather music.