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Impact Theory
Blast from the Past, The Chicxulub Impact
101 Crazy Dinosaur Theories
Theories about dinosaur extinction
Dinosaur Extinction
Short summaries of some theories of dinosaur extinction.
Dinosaur Volcano Greenhouse Extinction
The dinosaur extinction occurred during a Deccan Traps volcanism-induced greenhouse climate change. By Dewey McLean.
Dinosaurs and Extinctions
From the Classroom of the Future website. Includes an introduction to the major theories on the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event.
Science Daily: A World Ruled By Fungi
After the extinction event, the dominant life form was the fungi that thrived in the dark. Researchers have constructed a timeline of the fungal takeover and eventual replacement by resurgent plant life.
The End-Cretaceous (K-T) Extinction
Discusses geologic setting, possible causes, and species affected by the event at the end of the Mesozoic Era.
The Great Mystery
Information on current and past hypotheses on dinosaur extinctions from the University of California Paleontology Museum.