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Did the Wood Roach or Prototermite Cause the Permi
Hypothesis that the symbiosis of the wood roach with a cellulose digesting protozoa caused the early Triassic coal hiatus.
Fossil Diptera Catalog
Online version of a book outlining the paleontology of 3,100 species of fossil flies throughout the world.
International palaeoentomological (fossil insect) newsletter.
Palaeoentomology in Russia
Information about the history and the current state of palaeoentomology in Russia. Provides information about the staff and collections of the Arthropods Laboratory, Moscow. Site in both Russian and English.
Quaternary Beetle (Coleoptera) Research
From the research group at the University of Waterloo.
Quaternary Entomology Laboratory
A lab specializing in the analysis and application of Pleistocene and Holocene insect remains for paleoenvironmental analyses, in the Department of Geosciences, North Dakota State University.
The Dead Bug in Amber Club
For the lover of amber and the dead creatures encased in a golden tomb.