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Anemone, R. L.
Evolution of Paleocene and Eocene mammals (especially primates) from southwestern Wyoming (Western Michigan University).
Barnosky, A.D.
Mammalian evolutionary paleobiology (University of California Museum of Paleontology).
Beard, K. C.
Mammal paleontology and evolution, primates, phylogeny, paleobiogeography, and functional anatomy (Carnegie Museum of Natural History).
Clemens, W.A.
Mammalian evolutionary paleobiology, ((University of California Museum of Paleontology).
Currant, A.
Mammalian paleontology, cave excavation, and collections, (Natural History Museum [London]).
Estevens, M.
Neogene marine mammals from Portugal and their paleoecology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [Portugal]).
Flynn, J.
Mammalian paleontology and paleomagnatism, (Field Museum of Natural History).
Holbrook, L.
Phylogeny and evolution of perissodactyls and other mammals (Rowan University, New Jersey)
Hopson, J.
Vertebrate paleontology, particularly the evolutionary history of the Synapsida, morphology and systematic of non-mammalian synapsids (University of Chicago).
Hopson, J.A.
Synapsid evolution, morphology, and systematics (University of Chicago and Field Museum of Natural History).
Richtsmeier, J. T.
Primate and hominid quantitative morphometrics, evolution of development, and the developmental basis of morphology (Pennsylvania State University).
Rose, K. D.
Functional anatomy and evolution of Eocene mammals (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine).
Ruff, C. B.
Evolution of the hominid post-cranial skeleton, biomechanics, locomotion (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine).
Teaford, M. F.
Dental microwear, hominid paleontology and paleobiology (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine).
Uhen, M.D.
Evolution of cetaceans (Cranbrook Institute of Science).
Van Valen, L.
Mammal evolution (University of Chicago and Field Museum of Natural History).
Ward, C. V.
Paleoanthropology, hominoid biomechanics, and Miocene radiation of apes (University of Missouri).
Wood, C.B.
Origin, definition, and evolution of early mammals (Providence College).