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Information from the American Museum of Natural History, with several reconstructions.
Acanthostega gunnari
A detailed analysis of this early tetrapod by the paleontologist who discovered and described it.
Ancient Amphibians Discovered in Iowa
Description of this Mississippian fossil site.
Basal Tetrapod and Amphibian Trees
A list of cladograms tested for their correspondence with stratigraphic data, with references.
Central Pennsylvania Legacies: Fishing for History
An article, accompanying a public radio broadcast, describing the discovery of Hynerpeton bassetti at the Red Hill fossil site. A Real Audio archive of the broadcast is included.
Dendrerpeton acadianum
An early temnospondyl found in petrified tree stumps from Joggins, Nova Scotia.
Eucritta melanolimnetes
Science update from the journal Nature on an early Carboniferous tetrapod, the name of which translates as "Creature from the Black Lagoon".
Evolution of Limbs
A description of the possible effects of the Hox gene family on vertebrate evolution.
First Footing
A article about the debate between paleontologists and geologists regarding the age of the Celsius Bjerg Group, the fossil site where Ichthyostega and Acanthostega were discovered. From the journal Nature.
Fish With Fingers
A description of Ted Daeschler and Neil Shubin's discovery of a transitional fish-tetrapod animal.
A detailed description of the first Devonian tetrapod to be discovered.
Neil and Ted's Excellent Adventure
An article describing paleontologists Neil Shubin and Ted Daeschler and their search for early tetrapods, from Philadelphia Citypaper.net.
Out of the Swamps
A description of Casineria, an early tetrapod from Scotland, from Science News Online.
Phylogeny of Stegocephalians
Cladistic diagrams, illustrations and references.
Terrestrial Vertebrates
A description of the tetrapods and other digit bearing vertebrates.
The Origin of Tetrapods and Temnospondyls
Lecture notes from the Major Features of Vertebrate Evolution class at the University of Toronto.
Vertebrate Evolution - Land
A discussion of the required evolutionary adaptations for moving from aquatic life to terrestrial.