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Ancient Sharks
A detailed look at the evolutionary history of sharks and Shark-like fishes from the Shark Attacks website.
Ditchweezil's Fossils
Photographs and descriptions from a personal collection of shark teeth and other fossils collected in South Carolina.
Provides information on the extinct and extant elasmobranch teeth
Fossil Sharks and Rays from the Cretaceous of The
Information and images of primarily Maastrichtian shark and ray fossil taxa. Includes discussions of collecting localities and links to other resouces.
Fossil Sharks from Transylvania
Features high resolution gallery of bone and tooth remains of Transylvanian (Romanian) sharks. Also includes information about the local stratigraphy.
Shark and Ray Teeth Exchange Zone
Site for collectors to trade fossil teeth and other fossils.
Tim Merritt's Fossils
Fossil shark teeth collected by Tim Merritt