english deutsch
Australian Clearing House on Agricultural Biodiver
Site provides links to a selection of current sites, papers and publications referring to agricultural biodiversity in Australia. Recent papers accessible through the "Whats New" link. Some papers are archives reposted from the CBD site.
Belgian Clearing House: Agricultural Biodiversity
Useful links to Belgian institutes' websites on agricultural biodiversity, to the Agris database on Belgian livestock breeds, as well as links to relevant international organisations.
German Agricultural Biodiversity Clearing House
GENRES is the German government's information service on genetic resources for food and agriculture. It has comprehensive links to all relevant documents in English and, in a parallel database, in German.
Netherlands Clearing House for Agricultural Biodiv
Site provides links to all field and research programmes on agricultural biodiversity, particularly in developing countries which are supported by The Netherlands. Also provides links to the Dutch genetic resources Access and Benefit Sharing website.
Netherlands Clearing House on Biodiversity
This site covers all dimensions of biodiversity, its evolution and ecology, human impacts, structural factors and material processes of biodiversity loss and the legal protection of biodiversity.
Swedish Clearing House on Agricultural Biodiversit
Website covers all aspects of agricultural biodiversity in Sweden including environmental status and threats, legislation and policy, authorities and organisations, measures and activities and research and monitoring.
UK Clearing House for Agricultural Biodiversity
Provides summary of UK information sources and access to UK specific sites in the following categories: International Co-operation Case studies Directly Related to Agricultural Biodiversity; International Co-operation Case Studies Involving Agricultural Biodiversity; UK Expertise; UK Policy and Management Techniques.