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ATSDR - Office of Children's Health
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry with specialized information on the toxicology of children. Provides ongoing examination of relevant child health issues like cancer and hazardous waste sites.
Center for Children's Health and the Environm
CCHE is the nation's first academic research and policy center to examine the links between exposure to toxic pollutants and childhood illness. Provides fact sheets, reports, conference and contact information.
Children's Environmental Health
Minnesota Department of Health information to protect the health of children as it relates to environmental hazards.
Children's Environmental Health
Project of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment. Provides a summary of the medical and scientific information about environmental effects on health.
Children's Environmental Health Information R
National Network of Libraries of Medicine project to provide public health professionals with access to information resources.
Children's Environmental Health Network
The CEHN is a national multidisciplinary project whose purpose is to protect the health of children as it relates to environmental hazards.
Children's Health and the Environment
Pan American Health Organization Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS) resources and information.
Children's Health Environmental Coalition
CHEC dedicated to prevention of non-genetic childhood cancer and other environmentally caused childhood illnesses.
Enviro Health Action
Physicians for Social Responsibility brochures and resources focusing on toxic threats to child development.
Healthy Schools
Work to help Ontario school boards identify, prevent, and remediate indoor environment problems that could otherwise affect children's health and learning adversely. Provides news, searches, indexes and links.
Healthy Schools Network
U.S. based advocate for the protection of children's environmental health in schools. News, guides, reports and resources.
Institute for Children's Environmental Health
The primary mission of ICEH is to mitigate environmental exposures that can undermine the health and well-being of children and to detoxify environments wherever children spend time.
Mothers for Clean Air
Non-profit organization concerned with air pollution in the Houston-Galveston Texas area and its effects on children's health. Provides newsletter, events and air quality information.
Our Children's Earth Foundation
Work to protect the public, especially children, from the health impacts of pollution in California. Information on campaigns, events and news.
Partnership for Children's Health and the Env
National partnership committed to working collaboratively for a more sustainable and effective children's environmental health movement.
Preventing Harm
A resource action center on children and environmental health. Focus on the many chemicals widely used by industry and commonly found at home are toxic to the developing brain and can cause developmental disabilities including behavioral and learning disabilities, hyper-activity, attention deficit, lower IQ and motor skill impairment.
The Children's Environmental Health Institute
Committed to decreasing the prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of environmentally related childhood diseases. CEHI identify, develop, and promote solutions to improve children's environmental health through scientific research, environmental education, and public policy.
U.S. EPA - Office of Children's Health Protec
Environmental Protection Agency site on children's environment and health. Publications, references and resources.
University of California Pediatric Environmental H
PEHSU is one of several regional federally funded clinical and educational centers. Provides information on programs and services for expert clinical and public health evaluations of children and communities with suspected environmental health problems.